Arcade Game Clone - Frogger

How to Play

Download all files in this repository and open the index.html file. Or, to play online without downloading, click this link:

Game Rules


The object of the game is to move your player to the water without getting hit by the bugs.

Lives and Scoring

You start with 3 lives. Each time you get hit by a bug, you lose a life. Each time you successfully make it to the water, you earn 10 points. Every time you make it to the water or you get hit by a bug, your player will automatically return to the start position.

Leveling Up

Every time you score 100 points, the game level increases and the bugs start moving faster.

End of Game

Once you lose all your lives, the game resets and you'll have to start over again.


To begin the game press the spacebar. Use the following keys to move your player:

  • W or Up arrow: Move player one square up.
  • A or Left arrow: Move player one square to the left.
  • S or Down arrow: Move player one square down.
  • D orRight arrow: Move player one square to the right.


This project was created as part of Udacity's Front-End Developer Nanodegree Program. to learn about and use Object-Oriented JavaScript programming.