Project: CSS Variables


I've been doing some form of web development for about seven years or so... mostly basic HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I've taken two of Udacity's nanodegree programs: Front End and Full Stack Web Developer. I have learned a lot from those courses but I know that there are situations and use cases that I haven't seen or been exposed to.

I recently heard about Wes Bos and also his 30 Day JavaScript challenge. It's a free course (at least during the writing of this) and it can be found here:

This project is a practice in writing vanilla JavaScript and to learn about other use cases.

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Project takeaways

  • Create CSS variables using :root { --var-name: value }
  • Create custom html attributes using data-*, ie. data-sizing
  • Access attribute with JavaScript using this.dataset.*, ie. this.dataset.sizing
  • Use to change value of CSS variable