Monster Slayer


This is a simple project to learn and become familiar with VueJS.

To play

Click this link to play Monster Slayer.


Start Game: Click this button to reset all stats and begin the game.

Attack: Click here to begin an attack round. A random number between 1 and 10 will be selected for each Player and Monster and will be subtracted from the total hitpoints (HP) respectively.

Special Attack: Click here to begin a special attack round. The user will be able to attack with a higher HP. Beware, you can only do a special attack 3 times in a row. If you try a special attack but don't have any available, the Monster will be able to attack with higher HP.

Heal: Click here to heal. You can only heal twice in a row.

Give Up: To concede and do the walk of shame, click here. This will stop the game.


This project is part of the 'VueJS 2 - The Complete Guide (incl. Vue Router & Vuex)' by Maximilian Schwarzmuller.


This project is about learning how to create a simple game, using VueJS as the MVC. The instructor provided us with a barebones HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files


  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • VueJS