
an extension to the cutlass half-precision b2b gemm example

Primary LanguageC++


This example shows fusing two back-to-back GEMMs/Convolutions into one kernel.

When running two unfused GEMM/Conv operations, each operation loads one input activation matrix, one weight matrix (or filter matrix) from the memory and then stores the result activation matrix back to the memory.

When the two GEMM/Conv operations are fused together, the mainloops of the two GEMMs/Convs run back to back in a single kernel. The output accumulator of the 1st GEMM/Conv will be stored in the register file and reused as the activation input of the 2nd GEMM/Conv. This saves a round trip to memory for the activation matrix.

This example computes the following:

  • 1st GEMM/Conv: D0 = relu(alpha0 .* A0 ** B0)
  • 2nd GEMM/Conv: D1 = relu(alpha1 .* D0 ** B1 + beta1 .* C1)

In the above equation, operator ** can be matrix multiplication or convolution operation.

Implementation Details

In order to run two GEMM/Convs in a single kernel, the example requires the same number of threadblocks are used across 2 GEMMs/Convs. This also ensures the same threadblock tile M across 2 GEMMs/Convs.

In order to reuse the output accumulator (stored in register-file) of the 1st GEMM as the input activation, the example enforces the following two constraints:

  • thread_block_tile_N = problem_N

This constraint ensures that each threadblock loads the entire weight/filter matrix in addition to its own input activation tile. Therefore the input activation tile of the 2nd GEMM/Conv only depends on the output activation tile of the 1st GEMM/Conv, and the operation can be fully block-resident.

  • warp_tile_N = thread_block_tile_N

This constraint ensures that each warp loads the entire weight/filter kBlock in addition to its own input activation tile. Therefore the input activation warp tile of the 2nd GEMM/Conv only depends on the output warp accumulator of the 1st GEMM/Conv in the register file, and the operation can be fully register-file-resident.

On the other hand, this constraint can be relaxed if the output accumulator of the 1st GEMM/CONV is staged in the shared memory and then used as input for the 2nd GEMM/CONV. In this case, the input of each warp tile can be loaded from the shared memory so they do not need to be RF-resident, therefore each warp does not need to store the entire input matrix of 2nd GEMM in its RF. This is illustrated in the diagram below.

When applying the above constraint to convolutions, it is required that the 2nd Convolution kernel doesn't have halos such that data used by each threadblock doesn't depend on any other threadblock. Typically this requires the 2nd Convolution uses 1x1 filter without any paddings.

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