
USAePay library for laravel

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Laravel - USAePay

Latest Stable Version Total Downloads Latest Unstable Version License


Install using composer:

composer require jundelleb/laravel-usaepay

Add the service provider in app/config/app.php:



Now publish the configuration files to config/usaepay.php:

$ php artisan vendor:publish

This package supports configuration through the services configuration file located in config/usaepay.php:


Basic Usage of USAePay:


$sourcekey = 'your_source_key';
$sourcepin = 'your_source_pin';
$sandbox = true;
$options = [
    'debug' => true,

$usaepay = new \PhpUsaepay\Client($sourcekey, $sourcepin, $sandbox, $options);


This package takes care of the creation of ueSecurityToken.

Find CustNum using searchCustomerID method


$custID = '21021';

$custNum = $usaepay->searchCustomerID($custID);

Reference: https://wiki.usaepay.com/developer/soap-1.6/methods/searchcustomerid

Run sale using runTransaction method


$request = [
    'Command' => 'sale',
    'AccountHolder' => 'John Doe',
    'Details' => [
      'Description' => 'Example Transaction',
      'Amount' => '4.00',
      'Invoice' => '44539'
    'CreditCardData' => [
      'CardNumber' => '4444555566667779',
      'CardExpiration' => '0919',
      'AvsStreet' => '1234 Main Street',
      'AvsZip' => '99281',
      'CardCode' => '999'

$result = $usaepay->runTransaction($request);

Reference: https://wiki.usaepay.com/developer/soap-1.6/methods/runtransaction

Refer to this link for the complete lists of methods: http://wiki.usaepay.com/developer/soap-1.6/Support#methods