
The one key win - (3000.food->2100.food) VS (3000.food->2100.food)+1225.gold.cost ...why even bother to pay to recieve food when it could be free.

Primary LanguagePython


Make the following changes to make this script functional

Alt text

Alt text

Alt text

Alt text


Load the definative hot keys then change the following...

Page - Unit commands

Economic Buildings -> F12
Garrison -> UNBIND
Military Buildings -> UNBIND
Set Gather Boint -> Extrabutton2 Ungarrison -> Extrabutton2 Delete Unit -> MiddleButton

Page - Game commands

Select all town centers -> Extrabutton2

Page - Scroll commands

UNBIND all in this section

Page - zoom commands

Zoom in -> UP
Zoom out -> Down

Page - Gate commands

Rotate gate colockwise -> WheelUp
Rotate gate counter-clockwise -> WheelDown

Page - Villager build

Cancel -> F10
Set all remaining buildings to whatever single lowercase alphabetical character key you want...
...so long as its unique to that building whether its milatry or eco.

Page - Town Center

Go Back To Work -> Extrabutton1
Villager -> F11


How to use...


The idea is to spam mouse side button 1 (the easiest to reach at the front of the mouse, Extrbutton2) for villagers no matter the context. The ui is a bit glitchy, but it selects all TCs if not selected already then proceeds to que vils on further button presses at a rate of one per press.

ALSO it gives waypoint control every time the button is pressed, kinda meh feature

ALSO if vills are docked in TC it will ungarisson them before you proceed to q further villagers per press (with right click as garison enabled)


The Extra button one works well with sending vils from TC back to work (with right click as garison enabled)
it also can be used to cancel the way point being set on the Extrabutton2 spam end,
when done spamming tap Extrabutton1 keeping current active way point unchanged.

Open season the movie, but for aoe2de market prices:

Pre-requisite:(Feudal->Castle Saracen ally click up) -> Saracen to sell remaining wood for feudal age Poles to buy for initial-food-eco fling back to castle age saracens to buy, all done via the open market season timing...

The idea here is to switch out all food/wood waste made in tribute with gold gen. Requires an op troop where food.value > gold.value (so Elephant/cammel). (Gold tiles are scarce)

((Poles intial food farm lay only 10% thought was higher... perhaps horse collar can help))
((This strat requires unique dark age to feudal age villager worker spead per civ for the team to gen max elephants via open market)) ((But no such thing as Saracen elephants xD))


100.res -30%.res
True value per (buy/sell) from any player always starts at 100:100.x% ratio
after any market is first established on the map:
any_civ  ==> 100(+/-)3 :: 100.30%.gold     
SARACENS ==> 100(+/-)3 :: 100.5%.gold  

Output of main2.py 3000 food bank var:
The ideal castle age bank ratio is 100.food:58.gold for saracen to spam elephant, so open market going rate for food is set by an initial sell of: 1389 food

From poles food bank of 3000 you could recieve tribute of: 2100 food
Effectively buy 2100 tribute of food for: 1225 gold instead...

(3000.food->2100.food) VS (3000.food->2100.food)+1225.gold.cost ...why even bother to pay to recieve food when it could be free.

Food diff equation:::
for 900 food lost in 3000 tribute its actually worth 525 its weight in gold to the castle age saracen elephant...

This idea relies on minimising food/wood direct tribute send waste with the higher villager gold gen rates, so for it to be effective the amount of food lost in tribute that needs to be bought back before castle age troop production needs to be greater then the 1389 food set market price for an elephant... This totals to a minimum sell of 2381 food for the battle elephant via the open market from the pole, for the saracen to buy at 1389 gold for this buy back to have any time value. 2v2 pretty tricky but add a few players and might be possible to break bank this way.

-> For now Saracen castle age 800 food cost can also come from any true value of food < 100:58 in the open market too just cus...

-> Note gold tiles are scarce and can run out for saracen in castle age pretty rapid.

-> Troop production for elephants is slow

Potential build orders

Poles dark age build order, total::(2 houses 2 folwark 1 lumbercamp x farms) 7/25 on wood 18/25 farms after hunt+sheep gathered => loom + click up
Poles feudal age build order, total::(200-cost stone walls 5 houses 3 folwork 2 lumbercamp 18+x farms)

Saracen dark age build order, total::(3 houses 1 lumbercamp 1 minecamp on gold 1 barracks) x/25 on wood x/25 on gold after hunt+sheep gathered => click up
Saracen feudal age build order, total::(5 houses market blacksmith 2 stables 2 minecamp on gold) if food < 100:58 buy => click up
Saracen castle age: spam elephants

Note gold tiles are scarce and can run out for saracen in castle age pretty rapid and how to fling excess wood to pole 10% food + food gen to return food.