
Primary LanguageShell

JMUX - TMUX wrapper

Replace ssh user@ip with jmux connect user@ip, use jmux kill if tmux session is being buggy simply re-do it.

  • Reasoning: single ssh commands fail if connection is lost to server from remote machine, however, JMUX/TMUX perssists ssh sessions after unwated connection loss or even if you close your ssh window without first calling "exit"
  • Also run as many as upto four ssh sessions in the same window at once with "jmux connect user@ip1 user@ip2 user@ip3 user@ip4", so long its the same username password on all ssh connections...
  • Current limitations are on the amount of tmux panes (not windows) you can fit verticaly set to four.
    Also jmux itself only takes a max of ten parameters. Caution using "jmux command", better to syncronise panes...

Install on linux...

echo "source ~/jmux.sh" >> ~/.bashrc
curl -o ~/jmux.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jabl3s/jmux/stable-release/jmux.sh && source ~/.bashrc && jmux dependencies

After doing the above two commands now the shortcut below is available to do similar without hassle:

jmux update


  • Tmux pane navigation is Ctrl+B the arrow key.
  • Use "exit" command to terminate any ssh sessions.

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