New Tab Page - Musical Quotes 🎶
Demo:This is a Webpage that displays an inspirational quote from an artist's music along with an image. It also features the time of day and temperature at your location (customisable by adjusting Javascript code - see below). This project was forked and inspired by ( and used as a means to explore web development as part of a team.
Built Using the following technologies:
- Programming Languages: HTML, Javascript, CSS, Angular
- Frameworks: AngularJS, RequireJS, MomentJS
- APIs: OpenWeatherMap
Customise to your liking by editing users.json file.
"locale" : "en",
"name" : "Your Name",
"location" : "Helsinki",
"temperatureType" : 0,
"dateformat" : "dddd DD.MM.YYYY"
- 'locale' is for localizing the datetime.
- 'name' is for the person to greet
- 'location' is the name of the city you want forecast
- 'temperatureType'
- 0 : Celsius
- 1 : Fahrenheit
- 'dateformat', see moment.js docs for help
Daily changing background, quote and a forecast from OpenWeatherMap, data is cached to html5 localStorage and expires daily/hourly (forecast). The "app" is powered by AngularJs, RequireJs and moment.js (datetime localization). If you get tired of a background you can double click it to get a new one.