PowerShell Module for Microsoft Health Cloud API
10/29/2015: - Initial version 10/30/2015: - Updated README.md file
- Download the MicrosoftHealth-master.zip file.
- Unblock the zip file (right click and select unblock).
- Extract zip contents MicrosoftHealth-master.zip file.
- Rename MicrosoftHealth-master folder to MicrosoftHealth.
- Copy renamed MicrosoftHealth folder with contents to C:\Users[username]\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules folder
- Run import-module MicrosoftHealth cmdlet in PowerShell after following below steps.
In order to connect to the Microsoft Health Cloud APIs, you will need a Microsoft Account with a registered application.
Remember that each app registered with Microsoft Account Developer Center is associated with the Microsoft account used for login to https://account.live.com/developers/applications.
We recommend that you use a developer account instead of a personal account.
To learn more about developer accounts, please visit https://msdn.microsoft.com/enus/library/windows/apps/hh868184.aspx
To sign up for a Microsoft account, please visit http://account.microsoft.com.
Please make sure your Microsoft account is associated with a valid email address so we can keep you up-to-date on our latest status and releases.
To register your application in the Microsoft Account Developer Center, visit https://account.live.com/developers/applications.
This will provide the client id and client secret that can be used within your application to authorize against Microsoft Health Cloud APIs.
- Go to https://account.live.com/developers/applications.
- Login with your Microsoft account.
- Create application.
- Enter a name for your awesome app (Microsoft Health PowerShell).
- Select Yes for Mobile or desktop client app.
- Save settings.
- Retrieve and write down your client id and client secret needed for using the PowerShell MicrosoftHealth Module.
- Open Authentication.config.xml_example file in your downloaded MicrosoftHealth Module folder.
- Enter your personal MicrosoftHealth client id and secret in the Authentication.config.xml_example file.
- Save Authentication.config.xml_example file as Authentication.config.xml in MicrosoftHealth Module folder.
#Usage After importing the MicrosoftHealth Module run Get-Command -Module MicrosoftHealth for the available commands in the module.
PS C:\windows\system32> get-command -module Microsofthealth
CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Function Get-MicrosoftHealthActivity 1.0 microsofthealth
Function Get-MicrosoftHealthDevice 1.0 microsofthealth
Function Get-MicrosoftHealthProfile 1.0 microsofthealth
Function Get-MicrosoftHealthSummary 1.0 microsofthealth
Function Get-oAuth2AccessToken 1.0 microsofthealth
Use Get-Help command to explore the command.
PS C:\windows\system32> Get-Help Get-MicrosoftHealthProfile
Gets the UserProfile.
Get-MicrosoftHealthProfile [<CommonParameters>]
The UserProfile object contains the general profile of the person using Microsoft Band.
To see the examples, type: "get-help Get-MicrosoftHealthProfile -examples".
For more information, type: "get-help Get-MicrosoftHealthProfile -detailed".
For technical information, type: "get-help Get-MicrosoftHealthProfile -full".