
Make your own web rhythm game easily!

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT




"Make your own web rhythm game easily!"

Most rhythm games are characterized by having common features except for some designs and personalities. rhy-game is a library that helps you easily create your own rhythm game by taking advantage of the characteristic of rhythm games. With rhy-game, you can create a rhythm game that many people can enjoy without requiring a large capacity.


  • make note-based web rhythm game easily
  • link HTML DOM elements to rhythm game objects
  • all you need to do is design your game with css
  • make custom rhythm game map by bmson or load map from online
  • custom your rhythm game with many options
  • you may also make new notes and judgements

What cannot be made

rhythm game that is not note-based

rhythm game using notes that do not follow designated lanes

  • osu!
  • cytus
    (You can make it similar with a little trick but it would be hard to make slide notes)
  • cytusII




npm i rhy-game


git clone https://github.com/juneekim7/rhy-game.git

In the browser:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/juneekim7/rhy-game@main/dist/rhy-game.min.js"></script>

As a dependency:

import { Game } from 'rhy-game'
const { Game } = require('rhy-game')

Quick Start

The arguments in Quick Start are required values ​​for required parameters.

Make new game and bind HTML DOM elements

const myRhythmGame = new Game({
    DOM: {
        lane1: document.getElementsByClassName('lane')[0],
        lane2: document.getElementsByClassName('lane')[1],
        lane3: document.getElementsByClassName('lane')[2],
        lane4: document.getElementsByClassName('lane')[3],

        background: document.getElementById('background'),
        score: document.getElementById('score'),
        judgement: document.getElementById('judgement'),
        combo: document.getElementById('combo')
    keybind: {
        d: 'lane1',
        f: 'lane2',
        j: 'lane3',
        k: 'lane4'
    sizePerBeat: '12.5vh',
    laneSizeRaio: 8

Design your game elements

.lane {
    width: 100px;
    height: var(--lane-size);
    border: 1px solid black;

    display: inline-block;

.note {
    width: 100px;
    height: var(--size);
    background-color: skyblue;

    position: absolute;
    bottom: var(--size);

@keyframes move {
    0% { transform: translateY(0); }
    100% { transform: translateY(var(--lane-size)); }

@keyframes fade {
    0% { bottom: 0; height: var(--size); }
    100% { bottom: 0; height: 0; }

--lane-size and --size are automatically assigned values.

Make your own song(chart)

const myOwnSong = new Song({
    info: {
        music: './music/song.mp3',
        bpm: 132,
        split: 16
    chart: {
        // | is only for convenience of dividing beats, and has no role
        mode1: [
                lane1: '|****|***|****|s***|',
                lane2: '|****|***|***s|*s**|',
                lane3: '|****|***|**s*|****|',
                lane4: '|****|***|*s**|****|'
                lane1: '||***s|s***|****|****||***s|s***|****|****||****|**s*|lll*|****||****|**s*|lll*|****||',
                lane2: '||**s*|**s*|s***|****||**s*|**s*|s***|****||****|s***|****|****||****|s***|***s|****||',
                lane3: '||*s**|s***|**s*|s***||*s**|s***|**s*|**s*||**s*|****|****|**s*||**s*|****|****|****||',
                lane4: '||s***|****|s***|**s*||s***|****|s***|s***||s***|****|***s|****||s***|****|****|****||'

Play game

myRhythmGame.play(myOwnSong, 'mode1')



The values written in the code are examples only, not the default values


new Game({
    ... /* Parameters that must be specified */,
    // bind characters in chart
    notes: {
        n: (expectedTime) => new Normal(expectedTime),
        t: (expectedTime) => new Tap(expectedTime), // Normal note with touch event
        l: (expectedTime, additionalData) => new Long(expectedTime, additionalData), 
        h: (expectedTime, additionalData) => new Hold(expectedTime, additionalData), // Long note with touch event
        c: (expectedTime, additionalData) => new MyCustomNote(expectedTime, additionalData)
        /* additionalData {
        } */
    judgements: [
        // new Judgement(name, time, scoreRatio, isCombo)
        new Judgement('perfect', 50, 1, true),
        new Judgement('great', 100, 0.5, true),
        new Judgement('bad', 500, 0.3, false)
        // miss is automatically generated

        // judgment is determined according to time, which is error (unit: ms)
    maxScore: 1000,
    delay: 500,
    // 0 is the end point of the lane, and 1 is the start point of the lane
    judgementPosition: 0.2,
    event: {
        input: {
            keydown: (game, laneName) => {
                // something you want to execute when the player presses down a key which is bound to a specific lane
            keyup: (game, laneName) => {
                // something you want to execute when the player presses up a key which is bound to a specific lane
        play: (game, song, mode) => {
            // something you want to execute when game.play() is called
        load: (game, note) => {
            // something you want to execute when notes are loaded
        judge: (game, judgementData, judgedNote) => {
            // default value: this.sendJudgeToDOM()
            // something you want to execute when judgementData is changed

            // `IMPORTANT` If you define this method as your own, score, lastJudgement, and combo would not automatically displayed in game.DOM.score, game.DOM.judgement, and game.DOM.combo
        end: (game, judgementData) => {
            // something you want to execute when the game is ended

you can also read these properties as well

const game = new Game(...)

game.isPressed // [string]: boolean object of key pressed
game.judgementData // Object which contains score, combo, maxCombo, lastJudgement, and judgements


// new Judgement(name, time, scoreRatio, isCombo)
new Judgement('perfect', 50, 1, true)

There is a static property(type: Judgement) of miss judgement



new Song({
    info: {
        music: './music.mp3',
        title: 'music title',
        artist: 'artist',

        difficulty: {
            easy: 3,
            hard: 5
        volume: 0.6,
        bpm: 120,
        split: 16,
        delay: 0,
        startFrom: 0,

        cover: './cover.png',
        background: './background.png',

        design: {
            // Anything you want
            // For example, mainColor
    chart: {
        easy: {
        hard: {


// new Note(expectedTime, noteDOMParams)
// or
// new Note(expectedTime, additionalData, noteDOMParams)

new Short(100, {
    classNames: ['note', 'short'],
    moveAnimation: 'move',
    fadeAnimation: 'fade',
    timingFunction: 'linear',
    sizeRatio: 0.1

new Long(100, {
    lane: 'lane1',
    index: 1,
    timePerBeat: 50
}, {
    classNames: ['note', 'long'],
    moveAnimation: 'move',
    fadeAnimation: 'fade',
    timingFunction: 'linear',
    sizeRatio: 0.1

you can also read these properties as well

class SomeNote extends Note { ... }
const note = new SomeNote(...)

note.hasJudged // boolean value indicating the judgement is complete
note.DOM // HTML DOM element of the note


Assign additional game options after creating an instance

const game = new Game(...)
game.event.input.keydown = (game, laneName) => {
    // something you want to execute when the player presses down a key which is bound to a specific lane

Make your own custom Notes

class MyCustomNote extends Note {
    createDOM(laneDOM, moveTime, sizePerBeat, laneSizeRatio) {
        // method that creates DOM

    judge(judgements, eventName, actualTime) {
        if (/* right condition */) {
            return Note.prototype.judge.call(this, judgements, eventName, actualTime)
        else if (/* miss condition */) {
            return Judgement.miss
        else return 'none'

    constructor(expectedTime, /* additionalData, */ {
    }) {

        // anything you want

Pass beat as third argument of game.play when you make charts

const game = new Game()
game.play(song, mode, beat)
// the song would be played starting from beat

Divide the chart by sections and use | for readability

// use
const song = new Song({
    info: { ... },
    chart: {
        mode1: [
                lane1: '|****|***|****|s***|',
                lane2: '|****|***|***s|*s**|',
                lane3: '|****|***|**s*|****|',
                lane4: '|****|***|*s**|****|',
                lane5: '|****|***|****|****|',
                lane6: '|****|***|****|****|'
                lane1: '||***s|s***|****|****||***s|s***|****|****||****|**s*|lll*|****||****|**s*|lll*|****||',
                lane2: '||**s*|**s*|s***|****||**s*|**s*|s***|****||****|s***|****|****||****|s***|***s|****||',
                lane3: '||*s**|s***|**s*|s***||*s**|s***|**s*|**s*||**s*|****|****|**s*||**s*|****|****|****||',
                lane4: '||s***|****|s***|**s*||s***|****|s***|s***||s***|****|***s|****||s***|****|****|****||',
                lane5: '||****|****|****|****||****|****|****|****||****|****|lll*|****||****|****|lll*|****||',
                lane6: '||****|****|****|****||****|****|****|****||****|****|***s|****||****|****|***s|****||'

// DO NOT use
const song = new Song({
    info: { ... },
    chart: {
        mode1: [
                lane1: '***********s******ss**************ss*****************s*lll***********s*lll*****...',
                lane2: '**********s*s****s***s*s*********s***s*s***********s***************s******s****...',
                lane3: '*********s******s**s*****s*s****s**s*****s***s***s***********s***s*************...',
                lane4: '********s******s*******s*****s*s*******s***s***s**********s****s***************...',
                lane5: '*******************************************************lll*************lll*****...',
                lane6: '**********************************************************s***************s****...'

Design Tips

Use transition for GPU render

/* use */
@keyframes move {
    0% { transform: translateY(0); }
    100% { transform: translateY(var(--lane-size)); }

/* DO NOT use */
@keyframes move {
    0% { top: 0; }
    100% { top: var(--lane-size); }

Information about CSS GPU animation

Shorten the distance the note moves

Most browsers only support up to 60 fps. If the distance the note moves is long, the animation would not be smooth.

Use multiple game instances to make multiplayer rhythm game

const instance1 = new Game(...)
const instance2 = new Game(...) // with different args

instance1.play(song, mode)
song.info.volume = 0
instance2.play(song, mode)


Example song used is Dareharu 『Karma』, and the developer of rhy-game does not own the copyright of the song or album cover.
4 lanes example keys: d, f, g, h
6 lanes examples keys: d, f, g, h, j, k

Riano tiles

view code
(This is an imitation of the original game Piano tiles 2)


view code


view code
(Designed by tpof)


view code
(This is an imitation of the original game cytusII)


view code


For inquiries, please contact juneekim7@gmail.com

Copyright (c) 2023 준이 (Junee, juneekim7)
Released under the MIT License.