- arsenerei
- charlespwd@Shopify
- cjhveal
- collegeimprovementsPlanet Earth
- cust0dian-old
- cwonrailsWashington DC
- davidcglStripe
- DeepAnchorThe Deep Ocean
- disuseredTijuana, Mexico
- drownbesTallinn
- garymh@GitLab
- gavingGlasgow, Scotland.
- hiberabyss@tencent
- jhbabon@github
- junegunn
- kamilchmWarsaw, Poland
- kba@OCR-D @StaatsbibliothekBerlin
- lastorsetOpera Software
- LazerPantherLand of the Free
- matthewfranglen
- mikker@brnbw + @RNDMCHARACTERS
- mindshellYurz, Inc.
- netei
- noahfrederick
- oxyc@generoi
- oz123Spectro Cloud
- rainerboreneMemberkit
- RanduinSanta Monica, CA
- reduxionist@intelligent-bytes
- ryanoasisSeattle, WA, USA
- shalomgonzalom
- simonweilBioData
- stobenskiUkraine
- szymonkaliski
- ycdesuTaipei, Taiwan