This is an implementation of 3D graphic rasterization and related features on MFC. This program resterizes 3D polygon datasets to 2D image. In addition, this apply transformations such as rotation, translation, and scaling; shadings such as Flat, Gouraud and Phong; texturing; anti-aliasing. Each features are implementated at different projects.
This is an implementation of frame buffer.
This is an implementation of Scanline resterization. It uses slop equation for Z-buffering.
This is an implementation of transformations such as rotation, translation, and scaling. This forms graphic pipeline (Model space to screen space).
This is an implementation of shading such as Flat, Gouraud and Phong shading. Flat shading decides color by its face normal. Gouraud shading interpolates color. Phong shading interpolates normals.
This is an implementation of texturing with u,v coordination. It uses a texture image. Also, it generates a wolf noise pattern image for texturing.
This is an implementation of anti-aliasing. When the resterizer decides pixels to draw, the aliasing effect is occurred. Also, perspective increases aliasing effect. To prevent aliasing, the this uses supersampeling.
- Source code
- Sample datasets
- Sample screen shots
The input file contains 3D polygons of teapot model. Each line represents vertex of a triangle, which has eight floating point number columns. First three columns are (X,Y,Z) coordination of a vertex. Next tree columns are a normal vector of the vertex, following two columns are (U,V) coordination for texturing. Thus, every three rows form a triangle of a teapot.
The output file is .PPM file format which has an ascii header followed by 8-bit binary pixel color values in raster order (top-left to bottom-right). For example the header is P6 255 256 255\n
produces a 256x256 image.
- Microsoft Window 10
- Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015 Version 14.0.25431.01 Update 3
These projects are assignments of CSCI-580 3D Graphics and Rendering, 2018 fall
Version 1.0