
Site vitrine de test avec tunnel d'inscription et gestion d'authentification en angular 2 + node js + mysql

Primary LanguageCSS


An empty website using nodejs + express + handlerbars + sass + bower + grunt + mysql.

Development environment setup



  • Gulp (task automation)
  • Bower (package management)
  • Less (css tool)


Run the commands below in the project root directory.

1. Install Gulp and Bower
$ sudo npm install -g gulp bower
2. Install project dependencies
$ npm install
$ bower install
3. Install Mysql database
Start mysql server mysql.server start
mysql -u [user]
CREATE DATABASE procurations;
mysql -u [user] -h localhost procurations < db.sql

Useful commands

Running web site

To start the web server, run:

$ gulp dev

To access the local server, enter the following URL into your web browser:


Directory Layout

client/                 --> all of the client files
  app/                  --> javascript files
  assets/               --> public asset files
    css/                --> css files
    img/                --> image files
    font/               --> font files
  less/                 --> sass files, build css files
schema/                 --> db schema
server/                 --> all of the server files
  config/               --> server config
  controllers/          --> application controllers
  helpers/              --> helpers for views
  middleware/           --> middleware for express
  models/               --> data models
  routes/               --> routes
  views/                --> view files
  app.js                --> application
  logger.js             --> help to log
  utils.js              --> util library
shared/                 --> client and server common files
bower.json              --> config file for bower
config.development.js   --> config file for development
config.js               --> default config file. merge `config.*environment*.js` file
gulpfile.js             --> gulp file