Sta521 Lab1 9/4/2017

In this lab

  • we will cover using RStudio on Saxon or a laptop
  • demonstrate RNotebooks (for more info see the RStudio page)

For why Reproducible Research is important read Yihui's post (and watch the video in the blog about what happened at Duke when RR was not used!)

To get started:

  1. Open RStudio on Saxon and login with your Duke netid and password.
  2. Clone the repository through the following link and accept the invitation. This will create a repository
  3. Create a new Project. In RStudio, click on New Project in the file menu. Select Version Control, then Git. Enter (replace with your username on github) in the Repository URL field, provide a name for the project, e.g. 'lab1', and select a directory to save your work, e.g. Lab1 We suggest that you make a folder for STA521 to save your work for the course.
  4. On the lower right panel in RStudio, click on the Files tab. You should see a listing of the files in your directory. Click on lab1.Rmd to open it in the RStudio editor and then follow instructions there.

For more on getting started using RStudio and git see the StatSci ComputingBootcamp slides and other materials at StatSci ComputingBootcamp