TODO list

This is all assuming I've got this to work.

  • Add SpinePeriods to the Spine Julia Registry once release is done (Manuel).
  • Don't dev SpinePeriods, just add it from GitHub.
  • Set up a proper init.jl file, i.e., specifying git commits and or versions (not necessary for Toolbox, just specify in README).
  • Finish for use of the demo.

SpinePeriods Demo

This is an example of how to use SpinePeriods.jl in conjunction with SpineOpt.jl to optimize the operation of a battery storage unit for a year. Computational speed up is achieved by limiting dispatch decisions to only 12 representative days, while the state of charge is defined for the whole year. This is of course more interesting for an investment rather than an operational problem.


Getting started

1. Download or clone the files to your computer, e.g.:

> git clone ???

(The recommended folder is the folder you store your spine projects in, but can be anywhere, for example your desktop.)

2. Change the current directory to spine project "spine-periods-demo":

> cd spine-periods-demo

3. Install required Python packages:


4. Install required Julia packages:

> julia init.jl

5. Run the demo:

> julia run_demo.jl

6. Open SpineToolbox:

> python -m spinetoolbox

7. Open project "spine-project-demo":

File --> Open Project... --> spine-project-demo

8. Open the results of the optimisation by double clicking on Opt output

9. You can inspect e.g. the battery state of charge by clicking on ...