AriesDoc is help we generate raml doc file form core.
It base on Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApiExplorer
- Found your project and right click mouse, choose Edit csproj.
- Add below configuration,when you add pelase note DotNetCliToolReference is what we needed rather than PackageReference.
<DotNetCliToolReference Include="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Tools" Version="2.0.0" />
<DotNetCliToolReference Include="dotnet-aries" Version="*" /><!--add this-->
This is a necessary step.
In this step we hypothesis you had add conguration in your csproj. It's easy for us to use this tool.
- Open the terminal, here we take Windows as an example. Founding the base path of your project.
Run the command
dotnet publish -c Release
- Run aries command to export Document
dotnet aries doc -t D:\AriesDoc\ -f D:\Example\bin\Release\netcoreapp2.0\publish -b http://localhost:63298
- Export success will output
Aries doc generate Done
- -t required! You should gave the path where Aries to exported API Doc.
- -f required! You should point to where the publish folder is.
- -b required! The base path of your API. Actually, it is not a necessary field, but we recommend it.
- -s Optional! The start class name of your project. if not given, it would use the default field StartUp
- -v Optional! The version number of raml. If not given, it would use the default value 1.0.
The example project is here :