
NK fitness landscapes model of open innovation

Primary LanguageJava

================================================ XML CONFIG FILE

  • the root element is <simulation>.
    • <simulation> contains 1 or more <case>
      • <case> contains 1 <runs>, 1 <inf>, 1 or more <strategy>, 1 or more <innovator>, 0 or more <provider>
        • <runs> contains an integer, which indicates the number of runs of the case.
        • <inf> contains a string, which MUST BE an ABSOLUTE path to the influence matrix txt file OR an RELATIVE path to the jar files.
        • <strategy> contains a string, which could be "closed", "licensing", "outsourcing", "alliance_max", "alliance_min".
        • <innovator> contains 1 <num>, 1 <power>, 1 <M> and 1 <P>
          • <num> contains an integer, which indicates the total number of that type of agents with within that case
          • <power> contains an integer, which indicates the processing power of that type of agent
          • <M> contains an integer, which indicates the size of M
          • <P> contains an integer, which indicates the size of P
        • <provider> contains 1 <num>, 1 <power>, 1 <Q>
          • <num> contains an integer, which indicates the total number of that type of agents with within that case
          • <power> contains an integer, which indicates the processing power of that type of agent
          • <Q> contains an integer, which indicates the size of Q

================================================ RD_run

RD_run takes only one argument which is the path (absolute or relative path) to an xml config file.

E.g., >> java -jar RD_run.jar ./config/conf1.xml

  • The output files of NK_run are stored in the same directory as the jar file.

  • The output files are txt files. One txt file is for one strategy type under one case. In other words, each output file corresponds to one <strategy> element node in the xml config file.

  • The output txt file name is formatted as: CLOSED, ALLIANCE_MAX, ALLIANCE_MIN: "o_n" + the number N + "k" + the number K + "x" + the total number of innovators + "" + the strategy type + ".txt" OUTSOURCING, LICENSING: "o_n" + the number N + "k" + the number K + "x" + the total number of innovators + "y" + the total number of providers + "" + the strategy type + ".txt"


  • IMPORTANT NOTE 1 There are more than one influence matrices with the same N and K. Maybe you will differentiate them with different file names, e.g., "n4k2_1.txt", "n4k2_2.txt". However, the output file name could be the same, because of the format above. Therefore, please rename the generated files if necessary.

  • IMPORTANT NOTE 2 New generated output file will not rewrite the original file (if existed) with the same name. Instead, the contents will be appended to the original file (if existed).