
Real-time Audio-to-audio Karaoke Generation System for Monaural Music

Primary LanguageC++


This is an automatic audio-to-audio karaoke generation system. It converts an ordinary music signal into a karaoke in realtime. It can also convert the key of the song.

For technical details, see the literatures below, especially the latest one [1].

Related Articles

[1] Tachibana, H., Mizuno, Y., Ono, N. and Sagayama, S.: A Real-time Audio-to-audio Karaoke Generation System for Monaural Recordings Based on Singing Voice Suppression and Key Conversion Techniques, Journal of Information Processing, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 470–482, May, 2016.

[2] My (H. Tachibana's) Ph.D. Thesis, The University of Tokyo, Mar., 2014.

[3] Tachibana, H., Mizuno, Y., Ono, N. and Sagayama, S.: Euterpe: A Real-time Automatic Karaoke Generation System based on Singing Voice Suppression and Pitch Conversion, Proc. ASJ autumn meeting, Sep., 2012, Non-refereed, in Japanese

Setting Up

Hardware and OS

  • Hardware: Audio I/O is required. (PC with microphones and speakers)
  • OS: Linux and Mac OS X
    • The system has been originally developed on Linux Mint.
    • It would be also easy to build the system on other Debian-based distributions including Ubuntu.
    • It may also be possible to build the system on other kind of distributions e.g. Fedora, but I have not verified it yet.
    • I have successfully built the codes on Mac OS X (Yosemite) using clang++


You need to install following softwares first.

PortAudio (libportaudio-dev)
fftw3 (libfftw3-dev)


Just run the makefile in src

cd src
cd -


  • Buy a 3.5mm-3.5mm audio cable.

  • Make your audio player (such as iPod) ready.

  • Connect one end of the cable to your audio player's output jack (3.5mm earphone jack), and the oppisite end to your PC's audio input jack.

  • Run the system by the command below.


See Also