What is the BioStar?

BioStar2 is a web-based, open, and integrated security platform that provides comprehensive functionality for access control and time & attendance. Featuring a modular, flexible framework, the platform supports both the BioStar 2 Device SDK which is used to integrate Suprema's terminals with thirdparty systems and web APIs which are used to integrate the functionality of the BioStar 2 platform with third-party systems. In addition, in step with the mobile era, the mobile app for BioStar 2 has been designed to enable you not only to remotely control the BioStar 2 platform but also to get a mobile card issued to you for use. BioStar2 Overview, Product

Overview of the BioStar2 Device SDK

BioStar2 Device SDK development framework allows developers to seamlessly integrate core functionality of Suprema biometric devices and terminals with 3rd party software. SDK Introduction

Get Started

SDK supports the following platforms:

Learn More About The BioStar2 Device SDK



Learn how to create a context for device management and connect devices. Watch this tutorial


The SDK currently being distributed comes with C # examples. This github provides additional C ++ examples. C++Example(Write in Visual C++ 2015)

Release Notes

Note: Feature enhancements, updates, and resolved issues from previous releases are available to view in Release Notes.

V2.7.2.4 released 11/11/2020:

New Features

1. You can select either Card ID or User ID for Wiegand output setting.

  • Refer to structure BS2WiegandConfig
  • Refer to API BS2_GetWiegandConfig
  • Refer to API BS2_SetWiegandConfig

Modified Features

1. File log output structure of internal SDK has been changed. Before, it used to write a file from each event processing thread, but now there's a separate file writing thread. It leads to improve the speed of event processing.

  • Refer to API BS2_SetDebugFileLog

2. When enrolling multiple face users to FaceStation F2, Fixed an issue that could cause the BS_SDK_ERROR_NO_FACE_CREDENTIAL(-759) error.

  • Refer to API BS2_EnrollUserFaceEx

3. Fixed an issue where the callback may not work intermittenly when the device is disconnected.

  • Refer to API BS2_SetDeviceEventListener

4. There were fixes for stabilizing the code inside the SDK.

V2.7.1.1 released 09/22/2020:

New Features

1. FaceStation F2 is supported, user related structures & API are added.

  • Structure BS2UserSettingEx has been added
  • Structure BS2TemplateEx has been added
  • Structure BS2FaceEx has been added
  • Structure BS2UserFaceExBlob has been added
  • API BS2_ScanFaceEx has been added
  • API BS2_ExtractTemplateFaceEx has been added
  • API BS2_EnrollUserFaceEx has been added
  • API BS2_GetUserInfosFaceEx has been added
  • API BS2_GetUserDatasFaceEx has been added

2. Several authentication modes for FaceStation F2 have been added, and you can configure with API and structure below.

  • Structure BS2AuthConfigExt has been added
  • API BS2_GetAuthConfigExt has been added
  • API BS2_SetAuthConfigExt has been added

3. You can extract template by jpg image from FaceStation F2. The template file can be stored on AoC.

  • Structure BS2SmartCardHeader has been added
  • API BS2_ExtraceTemplateFaceEx has been added

4. Thermal camera - Facial temperature & Mask detection can be configured with API & structure below.

  • Structure BS2FaceConfigExt has been added
  • API BS2_GetFaceConfigExt has been added
  • API BS2_SetFaceConfigExt has been added

5. Thermal camera information structure and configurable API are available.

  • Structure BS2ThermalCameraConfig has been added
  • API BS2_GetThermalCameraConfig has been added
  • API BS2_SetThermalCameraConfig has been added

6. New event log structure & API to support temperature information have been added.

  • Callback function OnLogReceivedEx has been added
  • Structure BS2EventSmallBlobEx has been added
  • API BS2_StartMonitoringLogEx has been added
  • API BS2_GetLogSmallBlobEx has been added
  • API BS2_GetLogSmallBlobExFromDir has been added

**7.**​ User-defined PIN encryption key can be changed, and the PIN can be extracted with APIs.

  • API BS2_SetDataEncryptKey has been added
  • API BS2_MakePinCodeWithKey has been added

Modified features

1. A structure is modified to support FaceStation F2's configuration.

  • Structure BS2FaceConfig has been added

2. Masking information of some API retrieving user information with userMask has been added. (Refer to userMask parameter for each API)

  • API BS2_GetUserDatas has been added
  • API BS2_GetUserDatasEx has been added
  • API BS2_GetSupportedUserMask has been added
  • API BS2_GetUserSmallDatas has been added
  • API BS2_GetUserSmallDatasEx has been added
  • API BS2_GetUserDatasFromDir has been added
  • API BS2_GetUserDatasExFromDir has been added
  • API BS2_GetUserSmallDatasFromDir has been added
  • API BS2_GetUserSmallDatasExFromDir has been added
  • API BS2_GetUserInfosFaceEx has been added
  • API BS2_GetUserDatasFaceEx has been added

3. In the past, parameters like fingerSupported, faceSupported were used meaning fingerprint authentication(matching) or facial authentication(matching). This was confusing because FaceStation2 or returned fingerSupported = true. From 2.7.1, additional information fingerScanSupported and faceScanSupported is supported to provide more accurate information. With this, FaceStation2 returns fingerScanSupported = false.

  • API BS2_GetDeviceInfoEx has been added
  • Structure BS2SimpleDeviceInfoEx has been added

4. For security reasons, support for the function BS2_GetDataEncryptKey has been deprecated.

V2.7.0.0 released 07/21/2020:

New Features

1. Device XPass D2 Revision, XPass D2 Keypad Revision are supported.

2. Lift lock/unlock zone which works based on schedules regardless of access group is supported.

  • Structure BS2LiftFloors has been added
  • Structure BS2LiftLockUnlockZone has been added
  • API BS2_GetLiftLockUnlockZone has been added
  • API BS2_GetAllLiftLockUnlockZone has been added
  • API BS2_GetLiftLockUnlockZoneStatus has been added
  • API BS2_GetAllLiftLockUnlockZoneStatus has been added
  • API BS2_SetLiftLockUnlockZone has been added
  • API BS2_SetLiftLockUnlockZoneAlarm has been added
  • API BS2_RemoveLiftLockUnlockZone has been added
  • API BS2_RemoveAllLiftLockUnlockZone has been added

3. User phrase feature that you can request the user phrase(private message) to the server is supported.

  • Structure BS2DisplayConfig has been added
  • API BS2_SetUserPhraseHandler has been added
  • API BS2_ResponseUserPhrase has been added

4. Global APB By Door Open is supported. Global APB By Door Open has two steps; i) User authentication ii) Actual access based on the door sensor You can figure out the user who actually doesn't go in even after successful authentication and the door unlock using this feature.

  • Structure BS2DoorSensor has been added
  • API BS2_SetGlobalAPBViolationByDoorOpenHandler has been added
  • API BS2_CheckGlobalAPBViolationByDoorOpen has been added

Modified Features

1. Fixed the issue that the device returns BS_SDK_ERROR_CANNOT_FIND_DEVICE after successful connection due to corrupted communication key exchange. (Only some latest FW)

2. Fixed the issue that SDK can't process received packets from the device with IPv6 connection mode.

  • Structure BS2UserBlobEx has been added
  • API BS2_VerifyUserEx has been added
  • API BS2_IdentifyUserEx has been added
  • API BS2_EnrolUserEx has been added
  • API BS2_VerifyUserSmallEx has been added
  • API BS2_IdentifyUserSmallEx has been added
  • API BS2_EnrollUserSmallEx has been added

3. Fixed the issue with the error BS2_SDK_ERROR_INVALID_PACKET when received log from the device due to the image log larger than 16KB.

  • API BS2_GetLogBlob has been added
  • API BS2_GetLogSmallBlob has been added
  • API BS2_GetLogBlobFromDir has been added
  • API BS2_GetLogSmallBlobFromDir has been added
  • API BS2_GetImageLog has been added

V2.6.4.1 released 02/25/2020:

New Features

1. The API retrieving logs filtered by Event Mask so that you can use memory efficiently than before.

  • Structure BS2EventSmallBlob has been added
  • API BS2_GetLogSmallBlob has been added
  • API BS2_GetLogSmallBlobFromDir has been added

2. DesFire Advanced format setting is now supported.

  • Structure BS2SimpleDeviceInfoEx has been added
  • Structure BS2DesFireCardConfigEx has been added
  • API BS2_GetDesFireCardConfigEx has been added
  • API BS2_SetDesFireCardConfigEx has been added

3. Card type selection is available so that you can select/deselect the card type you want to read fro the device.

  • Structure BS2SystemConfig has been added
  • API BS2_SetSystemConfig has been added

4. Duplicate fingerprint and face check is available.

  • Structure BS2FaceConfig has been added
  • API BS2_GetFingerprintConfig has been added
  • API BS2_SetFingerprintConfig has been added
  • Structure BS2FingerprintConfig has been added
  • API BS2_GetFaceConfig has been added
  • API BS2_SetFaceConfig has been added

Modified Features

1. Fixed the issue of device malfunctioning and rebooting when BS2Job.numJobs in BS2UserBlobEx exceeds the maximum value 16.

  • Refer to structure BS2UserBlobEx
  • Refer to API BS2_VerifyUserEx
  • Refer to API BS2_IdentifyUserEx
  • Refer to API BS2_EnrolUserEx
  • Refer to API BS2_VerifyUserSmallEx
  • Refer to API BS2_IdentifyUserSmallEx
  • Refer to API BS2_EnrollUserSmallEx

2. Fixed the issue of BioStation 2 not available for user images.

3. Fixed the error BS_SDK_INVALID_CODE_SIGN when upgrading SIO2.

4. Fixed the error BS_SDK_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when calling BS2_GetCardModel for BLN2-PAB.

  • Refer to API BS2_GetCardModel

5. Fixed the issue that SDK doesn't recognize device disconnection when the device is constantly disconnected.

6. Fixed the issue of Linux SDK crash.

V2.6.3.16 released 11/04/2019:

Modified features

1. Fixed the problem where the devices listed below may fail to connect when connecting.

  • BioEntry Plus 2.0
  • BioEntry W 2.0
  • BioLiteNet 2.0
  • Xpass 2.0
  • Xpass Slim 2.0

2. Fixes a problem where the return value dualIDSupported and useAlphanumericID becomes 0 when BS2_GetDeviceInfo is called after directly connection a device by IP or port instead of searching for and connecting a device.

  • Refer to API BS2_SearchDevices
  • Refer to API BS2_ConnectDevice
  • Refer to API BS2_ConnectDeviceViaIP
  • Refer to API BS2_GetDeviceInfo
  • Refer to structure BS2SimpleDeviceInfo

3. Fixes a problem where a timeout error (BS_SDK_ERROR_TIMEOUT) may occur if the devices listed below attempt a factory reset.

  • BioEntry Plus 2.0
  • BioEntry W 2.0
  • BioLiteNet 2.0
  • Xpass 2.0
  • Xpass Slim 2.0 Refer to API BS2_FactoryReset

4. Fixed a problem where the connection would be terminated normally if the device was disconnected and the packet was exchanged in the SDK without closing the connection yet.

Release Notes (Beta)

V2.6.3.23 released 02/06/2020:

1. Fixed a problem where SDK may crash on Linux.

V2.6.3.22 released 02/01/2020:

1. Fixes a problem where SDK will not detect disconnection when device disconnection is repeated.

V2.6.3.21 released 01/15/2020:

1. Fixed BS_SDK_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED error when calling BS2_GetCardModel in BLN2-PAB model.

V2.6.3.20 released 01/14/2020:

1. Fixes a problem where BS_SDK_INVALID_CODE_SIGN error occurs when upgrading SIO2 firmware.