Fullstack web developer project 1

Primary LanguagePython

Movie Trailer Website

This is the public repository for the Movie Trailer Website. It is for Project 1 of Udacity Fullstack Web Developer Nanodegree.



  • fresh_tomatoes.py: this file is created by Udacity. it helps to create a movies page by the method open_movies_page. This method take in one argument, movies, which is a list of movies to be displayed on the web.
  • media.py: this file include a Movie class and the main() method. Movie class include 3 fields - title, poster_image_url, trailer_youtube_url. It also include a constructor that require 3 arguments to initiate all 3 fields.
  • fresh_tomatoes.html: html file that is generated by fresh_tomatoes.py
  • README.md: include introduction to the project.

How to use

  1. Download fresh_tomatoes.py and media.py, and put them in the same directory
  2. From terminal/bash window, run python media.py. The fresh_tomatoes.html file will be created.
  3. double click fresh_tomatoes.html to view the result from a web browser.