Just another python static site generator. ;-)
$ pip install pyyaml
$ pip install mistune
$ pip install jinja2
$ pip install beautifulsoup4
How to use:
First make some changes to the "" file:
from bloggenmod.bloggen import Bloggen
postdir = './posts',
outputdir = './blog-output',
domain = '',
site_title = 'My anime blog'
You can also do this if you want to compile multiple projects:
coolblog = Bloggen()
anotherblog = Bloggen()
$ python path/to/bloggen/
Attributes of "make":
- postdir: [required] The directory with the yaml files of the post.
- outputdir: [required] The directory where all pages compiled to HTML will be saved.
- domain: [optional] The domain of your website. Is used to make the permalink of the post.
- site_title: [optional] The main title of your website.
- embeddedResources: [optional] [boolean] True if you want to embed CSS, javascript and images into the HTML file. Default is True.
- onlyJSON: [optional] [boolean] True if you only need the JSON file and not the html files. Default is False.
Why the images appear to be broken after compiling?
Because you forgot to add your images, CSS files and javascripts in the "outputdir" directory. -
How to prevent CSS, javascript and images from being embedded?
Just add "embeddedResources=False" to the "make" call.