
A Simple flutter application for taking notes using an offline database Isar to implement CRUD operations

Primary LanguageDart

Notes App

A simple and intuitive Notes App built with Flutter, designed to help you manage your notes efficiently. This app allows you to create, edit, and delete notes with a user-friendly interface and offers features like dark mode, light mode, and responsive design.


  • Create, Edit, and Delete Notes: Easily manage your notes with a simple and clean UI.
  • Dark Mode and Light Mode: Switch between themes to suit your environment.
  • Responsive Design: Enjoy a consistent experience across devices with adaptive layouts.
  • Confirmation Dialog: Get user confirmation before deleting a note to prevent accidental deletions.


Light Mode Screenshot Dark Mode Screenshot Create Note Screenshot
Light Mode Interface Dark Mode Interface Creating a New Note
Edit Note Screenshot Delete Confirmation Screenshot Drawer Screenshot
Editing an Existing Note Confirmation Dialog for Deleting a Note Navigation Drawer


Follow these steps to get the app up and running on your local machine.


  • Flutter (version 3.10.0 or higher)
  • Dart
  • Android/iOS Emulator or a physical device


  1. Clone the Repository:
    git clone <repository-url>
    cd notes_application
  2. Install Dependencies:
    flutter pub get
  3. Run The App:
    flutter run


  1. Launch the app on your device or emulator.
  2. Create a new note by tapping the "+" icon.
  3. Edit a note by tapping on 3 dots and making changes.
  4. Delete a note by tapping on 3 dots followed by confirming the deletion.

While I was learning about Flutter, I developed this app. It wasn't my original idea.