
An implementation of https://challenge.synacor.com/, with the added challenge of doing in Go, a language I'm new at

Primary LanguageGo

Implementation Approach


This sounds like an array[15] holding a bunch of array[16]s (possibly the array[15] should be a struct, not sure yet)

  • Setter
    • Set an address
    • Set a specific byte of an address
    • Option to fail if address is not empty?
  • Getter
    • Get an address
    • Get a specific byte of an address
    • Option to fail if address is not empty?


Even more simple: same size, can only get and set

  • Setter
    • Set a register, overwriting
  • Getter
    • Get a register


Probably an array

  • Needs to resize itself
  • Methods
    • Push
    • Pop
    • Peek?
    • Len?