
My Great seed - demo of a Full API powerful with all main features of best practices on Django, Python, Django Rest Framework

Primary LanguagePython

Taxi API Django Rest

Build Status

**Great seed - demo of a Full API powerful with all main features of best practices on Django, Python, Django Rest Framework and others for Taxi Apps **

A powerful combination:

  • Lettuce BDD
  • Django Oauth Toolkit
  • Native Pagination
  • Nested Serialize
  • Parsers
  • Renders
  • Continuos Integrations
  • Detection of Users Agents
  • Swagger Documentation

Author: Junior Gerdet

You may also want to follow the author on Twitter. My email is juniorgerdet@gmail.com


A seed with demo and combination of features powerful django rest for Taxi Apps.


  • Python (2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4)
  • Django (1.7, 1.8)


I recomend virtualenv

virtualenv name --no-site-packages
source /path/a/name/bin/activate

Installation of dependencies

Install using pip...

pip install -r requirements.txt


python manage.py migrate
python manage.py makemigrations tappsi_api
python manage.py sqlmigrate tappsi_api 0001 
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py createsuperuser

For execute the automatized test:

python manage.py harvest -d tappsi_api/features/

Note: The next step is optional, when you execute the automatized tests, the database is loaded with the credentials.

Step 1: Register an application To register the app:

To obtain a valid access_token first we must register an application. DOT has a set of customizable views you can use to CRUD application instances, just point your browser at:

python manage.py runserver 

Access to url and login with superuser:

Now, access to url:

Click on the link to create a new application and fill the form with the following data:

  • Name: just a name of your choice
  • Client Type: confidential
  • Authorization Grant Type: Resource owner password-based
  • Save your app!

Documentation & Support

The documentation of API is available at docs.

For questions, juniorgerdet@gmail.com


You may also want to follow the author on Twitter.