
Personal dotfiles

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


This is the dotfiles compatible and tested with MacOS, zsh, tmux, neovim > 0.9


  • Clone this repository with the submodules to your home directory
    • Use the following command to clone
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/juniorsaldanha/dotfiles ~/dotfiles
  • Make sure that you have stow installed
    • To install it with brew run brew install stow
  • Change the directory to the repository cloned and run stow .
  • If you receive any error or warning make sure that you don't have these files on the home dir. Remember that the stow tool it will just create all the symlinks from your home dir.

How-to with Docker

  • Declare the following function in your .zshrc or .bashrc file
function nvim_docker() {
    docker run -w /root -it --rm alpine:latest sh -uelic '
    apk add git nodejs neovim ripgrep build-base wget stow --update
    git clone https://github.com/juniorsaldanha/dotfiles ~/dotfiles
    cd ~/dotfiles && stow .
    cd ~/ && nvim
  • Run the command nvim_docker in your terminal
  • Not fully tested yet, some plugins may not work properly

How-to (nvim only) without removing your current dotfiles/nvim config

  • Clone this repository with the submodules to your home directory
    • Use the following command to clone:
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/juniorsaldanha/dotfiles ~/dotfiles_juniorsaldanha
  • Copy nvim config folder to your home directory
cp -r ~/dotfiles_juniorsaldanha/nvim ~/.config/nvim_juniorsaldanha
  • Add nvim_juniorsaldanha alias to your .zshrc or .bashrc file
function nvim_juniorsaldanha() {
	NVIM_APPNAME=nvim_juniorsaldanha nvim $@
  • Run nvim_juniorsaldanha in your terminal


Junior Saldanha (@juniorsaldanha on github and @umsaldanha on socials)