
A demo rails app with action cable and SQS

Primary LanguageRuby


  • Integration App with Action Cable and Amazon SQS.
  • Added Shroyuken gem to send message to AMAZON SQS
  • Listen Queue Message with Shroyuken Listener worker.
  • Process Message and Send the message to Respective Channel.


  • Add Default Config for Shroyuken
Shoryuken.sqs_client_receive_message_opts = {
  wait_time_seconds: 20,
  max_number_of_messages: 10

Shoryuken.add_group('default', 1) // this group related to SQS group id
Shoryuken.add_queue('your-queue-name', 1, 'default')
  • Setup QUEUE in your amazon account.
  • Add the amazon credentials in .env
  • Listen on to receive message from SQS
 bundle exec Shoryuken -r .app/jobs/sqs_listener.rb -R
  • Run sidekiq
bundle exec sidekiq
  • Update the queue name to send the message to SQS.

    • Shoryuken.add_queue('your-queue-name', 1, 'default')
    • Update the queue name to the sqs-send.rb file.
  • Start server rails s

  • Open Browser console and run on port 3000

  • Send Message to SQS

  • You will get the message in browser console.