
A list of low resolution face recognition resources. We try to keep it updated every week or two with the latest papers.



  • [Enhanced-AlexNet] Enhanced AlexNet with Super-Resolution for Low-Resolution Face Recognition, ICoICT 2021, J. C. Tan et al. [PDF][[Code]]
  • [HLRHR-Correlation] Homogeneous Low-Resolution Face Recognition Method based Correlation Features, arxiv, Xuan Zhao. [PDF][[Code]]
  • [LBPH] An Improved Real-Time Face Recognition System at Low Resolution Based on Local Binary Pattern Histogram Algorithm and CLAHE, Optics and Photonics Journal 2021, K. C. Paul et al. [PDF][[Code]]
  • [DRPC] Deep Rival Penalized Competitive Learning for Low-resolution Face Recognition, arxiv, P. Li et al. [PDF][[Code]]
  • [MP-LRFR] Morphological Preprocessing for Low-Resolution Face Recognition using Common Space, ICISS 2021, G. Marzani. Tan et al. [PDF][[Code]]
  • [MIND-Net] MIND-Net: A Deep Mutual Information Distillation Network for Realistic Low-Resolution Face Recognition, IEEE Signal Processing Letters 2021, C. Low et al. [PDF][[Code]]


  • [HD-CNN] Hierarchical Deep CNN Feature Set-Based Representation Learning for Robust Cross-Resolution Face Recognition, TCSVT 2020, G. Gao et al. [PDF][[Code]]
  • [LRFR] Low-Resolution Face Recognition In Resource-Constrained Environments, arxiv, M. Rouhsedaghat et al. [PDF][[Code]]
  • [IPU-Net] Multi Scale Identity-Preserving Image-to-Image Translation Network for Low-Resolution Face Recognition, arxiv, V. R. Khazaie et al. [PDF][Code]
  • [CRFR] Cross-Resolution Learning for Face Recognition, IMAVIS 2020, F. V. Massoli et al. [PDF][Code]
  • [FAN] FAN: Feature Adaptation Network for Surveillance Face Recognition and Normalization, ACCV 2020, F. V. Massoli et al. [PDF][[Code]]
  • [DDCN] Dual Directed Capsule Network for Very Low Resolution Image Recognition, ICCV 2019, X. Yin et al. [PDF][[Code]]
  • [Identity-Aware LRFR] Identity-Aware Face Super-Resolution for Low-Resolution Face Recognition, IEEE Signal Processing Letters 2020, J. Chen et al. [PDF][[Code]]
  • [D2SC-GAN] D2SC-GAN: Dual Deep-Shallow Channeled Generative Adversarial Network, for Resolving Low-Resolution Faces for Recognition in Classroom Scenarios, IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science 2020, A. Bhattacharjee et al. [PDF][[Code]]
  • [Bridge Distillation LRFR] Efficient Low-Resolution Face Recognition via Bridge Distillation, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2020, S. Ge et al. [PDF][[Code]]


Synthetic datasets

  • LFW dataset
  • CelebA dataset

Real-world datasets

  • SCface dataset
  • IJB-S dataset
  • UCCS dataset
  • QMUL-Survface dataset
  • QMUL-Tinyface dataset