
A lightweight Docker container for managing Nginx hosts with REST api and a simple, minimal Web UI

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Thank you for exploring S & D Nginx Proxy Manager Lite.

It is a lightweight Docker container for managing Nginx hosts with REST api and a simple, minimal web UI. This application is developed using Flask in the backend, and VueJS with Quasar in the frontend. SQLite is used as a database.

Background (Why this application was developed?)

I have used Nginx Proxy Manager to manage proxy hosts in past and I really loved it. This time, I am working on a project where users require an option to frequently update host configuration programmatically; i.e. similar to Nginx Proxy Manager. Therefore, I created a REST API for that purpose. After using the api for few days, I decided to pack it as a docker container for easy deployment. While doing so, I thought why not create a simple user interface and give user an option to either enable/disable both Web UI and REST API. Hence, here it is.

It is the lite version of original Nginx Proxy Manager and only contains basic features. I recommend to use Nginx Proxy Manager should you require additional features.



  • Install Docker in your machine


  • Make sure port 80 and 443 are open and available in your machine

Quick Start:

  1. Create a new docker network:

    docker network create npmlite_sd
  2. Pull and run npmlite docker container:

    docker run -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --network npmlite_sd -v ~/npmlite/data:/data -v ~/npmlite/ssl:/etc/letsencrypt --name npmlite -d  mrsajjal/npmlite
  3. Go to http://localhost or http://your-machine-ip

  4. The default login info for web interface is:

    Email Password
    npm@npmlite.com npmlite


  • You can choose to either enable or disable Web Interface and Rest API

  • If you followed above docker run command, edit: ~/npmlite/data/npmlite_config/config.json

  • If you mapped different directory, find and edit /data/npmlite_config/config.json

    Configuration option Type Description
    enable_web_portal bool Enable or disable web portal. Default is true
    jwt_secret_key string Secret to protect JWT token with. Required if web interface is enabled
    JWT_COOKIE_SECURE bool Enable or disable HTTPS only JWT cookies. Default is false
    enable_rest_api bool Enable or disable REST API. Default is false
    api_key string API Key for REST API endpoints. Required if REST API is enabled
    multi_user_api bool Enable or disable multi user API. Default is false

Info: It is recommended to change jwt_secret_key and restart the container after making configuration changes.


If you have enabled REST API, you can consume it and programmatically manage nginx hosts.

Check API Status:

  • Check if the API server is running

  • Endpoint: GET /api/status

    curl http://your_machine_ip/api/status
  • Returns:

    {"serverStatus":"API Server Up & Running..."}

List Hosts:

  • List all availabel Hosts

  • Endpoint: GET /api/list

  • If multi_user_api is false:

    curl http://your-machine-ip/api/list -H "Authorization: Bearer <api_key>"
  • If multi_user_api is true:

    curl http://your-machine-ip/api/list -H "Authorization: Bearer <api_key>" -H "userID: <user_id>"
  • Returns:

    "domain_list": [
          "HSTS": "True",
          "block_exploit": "True",
          "domain": "example.com",
          "enableSSL": "True",
          "forceSSL": "True",
          "http2": "True",
          "id": "b3dc6c8667bc46c4b885f88fe723b40e",
          "ips": [
             "ip": "localhost",
             "port": "40045"
          "is_disabled": 0,
          "redirect_url": "",
          "static_path": "",
          "timestamp": "1635753241116",
          "type": "reverse_proxy",
          "userID": "e1a915e55ddc4f14b52dc4632ed51e09",
          "websocket": "True"

Request SSL from Let's Encrypt:

  • Endpoint: POST /api/requestSSL

    Parameter Type Description
    domain string Required. Domain you want to request SSL certificate for
    email string Required. Email address to setup an account with Let's Encrypt
    agree_le_tos bool Required. Accept or deny Let's Encrypt's terms of services
    userID string User ID to associate SSL with Required if multi_user_api is true
    curl -X POST http://your-machine-ip/api/requestSSL
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_key>'
      -d '{"domain":"example.com", "email":"me@mydomain.com", "agree_le_tos":true}'
  • Returns:

    "userID": "e1a915e55ddc4f14b52dc4632ed51e09",
    "domain": "example.com",
    "ssl_cert_path": "/etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/fullchain.pem",
    "ssl_key_path": "/etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/privkey.pem"

List SSL Certificates:

  • List all available SSL certificates

  • Endpoint: GET /api/listSSL

  • If multi_user_api is false:

    curl http://your-machine-ip/api/listSSL -H "Authorization: Bearer <api_key>"
  • If multi_user_api is true:

    curl http://your-machine-ip/api/listSSL -H "Authorization: Bearer <api_key>" -H "userID: <user_id>"
  • Returns:

    "ssl_list": [
          "cert_info": {
          "ssl_active_from": "Nov 1 2021",
          "ssl_expiry": "Jan 30 2022",
          "ssl_issuer": "Let's Encrypt"
          "domain": "example.com",
          "id": "51976cbc949a450ab9bcc1892242b0e0",
          "ssl_cert_path": "/etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/fullchain.pem",
          "ssl_key_path": "/etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/privkey.pem",
          "timestamp": "1635753215599",
          "userID": "e1a915e55ddc4f14b52dc4632ed51e09"

Add New Host

  • Endpoint: POST /api/create

    Parameter Type Description
    domain string Required. Domain name that you want to add
    type string Required. static, redirect or reverse_proxy
    static_path string Location of static files. Required if type is static
    redirect_url string URL to redirect. Required if type is redirect
    ips array/list of objects IP/Hostname and/or port to forward. Required if type is reverse_proxy
    EXample: [ { "ip": "localhost", "port": "40045" }, { "ip": ""} ]
    block_exploit bool Enable to block common exploits
    websocket bool Enable to support websocket, useful for socket.io based applications
    userID string User ID to associate Host with Required if multi_user_api is true
  • If you have obtained a SSL certificate and want to enable it, include the following params:

    Parameter Type Description
    enableSSL bool Enable to listen for https
    forceSSL bool Enable to force redirect http requests to https
    http2 bool Enable to support http2
    HSTS bool Enable for strict transport security
    ssl_cert_path string Absolute path to the ssl certificate file. Required if enableSSL is true
    ssl_key_path string Absolute path to the ssl key file. Required if enableSSL is true
    curl -X POST http://your-machine-ip/api/create
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_key>'
     -d '{"domain": "example.com", "type":"reverse_proxy", "ips": [{"ip": "localhost", "port": "3000"}], "block_exploit": true"}'
  • Returns:

    {"Success":"example.com added successfully"}

Update Host

  • Params are similar as of Add New Host

  • Endpoint: POST /api/update

    curl -X POST http://your-machine-ip/api/update
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_key>'
    -d '{"domain": "example.com", "type":"static", "static_path": "/etc/html", "block_exploit": true"}'
  • Returns:

    {"Success":"example.com record updated successfully"}

Disable Host

  • Temporarily disable a HOST while preserving all of its configuration

  • Endpoint: POST /api/disable

    Parameter Type Description
    domain string Required. The domain that you want to disable
    userID string User ID associated with Host Required if multi_user_api is true
    curl -X POST http://your-machine-ip/api/disable
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_key>'
    -d '{"domain": "example.com"}'
  • Returns:

    {"Success":"example.com is disabled!"}

Enable Host

  • To enable previously disabled a HOST

  • Endpoint: POST /api/enable

    Parameter Type Description
    domain string Required. The domain that you want to enable
    userID string User ID associated with Host Required if multi_user_api is true
    curl -X POST http://your-machine-ip/api/enable
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_key>'
    -d '{"domain": "example.com"}'
  • Returns:

    {"Success":"example.com is enabled!"}

Delete Host

  • Endpoint: POST /api/delete

    Parameter Type Description
    domain string Required. The domain that you want to delete
    userID string User ID associated with Host Required if multi_user_api is true
    curl -X POST http://your-machine-ip/api/delete
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_key>'
    -d '{"domain": "example.com"}'
  • Returns:

    {"Success":"example.com removed successfully"}

Web Interface Demo:

Add Hosts:

View Hosts:

With Love,
