Non-Angular + Systemjs module loader

This repo is an non-angular application, which added a third party library cornerstone to do window leveling on image.

  1. Before run the application, install:
  • node: 6.11.3
  • yarn: 0.24.5
  1. Use command yarn install to install node_modules

  2. Run command yarn run start to run the application

  3. Because of CORS issue during access the cloud image (see details:, open a new terminal and do the following steps to fix it:

    4.1 run mkdir /tmp/chrome_dev_session to create chrome_dev_session folder under tmp

    4.2 run open -n -a /Applications/Google\ --args --user-data-dir="/tmp/chrome_dev_session" --disable-web-security to start a Chrome without security check.

  4. Visit http://localhost:3000/ in new started Chrome.

  5. Click "window leveling" button multiple times, the time cost of for loop from cornerstone library will output in the console. The performance is not good.