
Easy shortcuts for libgdx/artemis.

Primary LanguageJava


Easy shortcuts for libgdx/artemis.


  • Extend ShortcutProcessor
  • Implement getEntity()
  • getEntity can return null if no shortcut methods take an Entity or Component parameter
  • Create a method, annotate it with @Shortcut. Method can take 4 forms:
    1. zeroArguments()
    2. withEntity(Entity e) (see getEntity())
    3. withEntityAndComponent(Entity e, Position posiiton)
    4. withComponent(Position posiiton)
  • Register the input processor as you normally would.

Getting Started




  dependencies { compile "net.onedaybeard.artemis:kbdluv-artemis:0.2.3" }


Method parameters for shortcuts are guaranteed to never be null. If any parameter can't be inferred, the shortcut method is not invoked.

// makes for shorter @Shorcut:s.
import static com.badlogic.gdx.Input.Keys.*;

public class MyShortcuts extends ShortcutProcessor {

    // shortcut processors are auto-wiring
    private ComonentMapper<Position> positionMapper;
    private TagManager tagManager;

    public MyShortcuts(World world) {

     * The entity returned by this method is passed to shortcuts which
     * require an {@link Entity} - see below.
    protected Entity getEntity() {
        // how entities are resolved is up to you is up to you
        return world.getSystem(FooBarEntityTrackerSystem.class).getHoveredEntity();

    // 'A' - note "import static com.badlogic.gdx.Input.Keys.*;"
    private void shortcutWithNoParameters() {
        // ...

	// MOD_ fields live in ShortcutProcessor
    @Shortcut(MOD_SHIFT | B) // left and right modifier keys are treated equally
    private void doSomethingWith(Entity e) {
        // ...

    @Shortcut(MOD_CTRL | MOD_SHIFT | C) // combine multiple modifier keys
    private void entityAndComponent(Entity owner, ComponentA componentOfOwner) {
        // ...

    @Shortcut(MOD_ALT | D) // same as above, but omits the Entity
    private void justTheComponent(ComponentA comp) {
        // ...