- 0
Request: Cover entities
#112 opened by lukyjay - 3
Not working with input_boolean as toggle
#111 opened by JCPvanHooren - 2
Question: Change spacing or height in column view
#110 opened by almighty059 - 1
Plugin not found in latest HACS Home assistant
#109 opened by mindej - 0
Timer duration doesn't change
#108 opened by Marquo1 - 2
HA 2023.9.0b0 -Unhandled promise rejection
#100 opened by Anto79-ops - 14
Intial State Not Working - Card Disappears
#65 opened by almighty059 - 2
No state to 0 update when changed via service
#104 opened by pos-ei-don - 1
No automatic installation via HASC
#101 opened by maxnomo60 - 0
#105 opened by wernerhp - 3
Need help to increase font-zise of "name"
#91 opened by raymondsfk - 0
Feature: media player volume
#102 opened by metbril - 0
- 5
Need multiple service parameters
#82 opened by uSlackr - 4
- 6
- 1
Not Accessibility Friendly
#89 opened by rany2 - 2
- 3
- 4
Add option to type in number
#85 opened by Cadair - 7
Reset input_number
#81 opened by mstassenp - 4
- 8
card-mod styling not working
#26 opened by mateuszdrab - 6
Toggle Switch
#72 opened by nochlab1 - 1
compare values in secondary_info
#74 opened by MrThiemann - 15
secondary_info not refreshing data
#52 opened by murcin - 1
- 1
- 1
Add config for min_entity and max_entity
#73 opened by matt-oneill - 2
- 2
Number formatting settings are not being used
#69 opened by ascha191 - 2
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<'
#68 opened by laplug - 4
Increase size of "plus" and "minus" signs
#66 opened by Protoncek - 14
entity with image: no image displayed
#59 opened by ildar170975 - 8
unit=time: wrong data displayed
#58 opened by ildar170975 - 15
Question: Custom Icon Picture
#51 opened by Daniel-dev22 - 2
- 2
Feature Request: step size from a helper
#50 opened by marcelvandorp - 1
4 decimal places impossible?
#49 opened by Eckart0 - 3
- 2
Request: Support for timer helper
#43 opened by fusionstream - 7
Support for templates secondary_info
#35 opened by dodekaphilist - 2
Default unit format
#37 opened by dodekaphilist - 2
Wait time for physical devices
#38 opened by dodekaphilist - 3
Support for language-specific formatting
#36 opened by dodekaphilist - 1
- 1
FR: add domain config
#33 opened by binzhou - 2
Option "initial" not working
#31 opened by srodighiero - 1
secondary_info does not support free string
#27 opened by amaximus - 2
[Feature Request] Provide 'decimals' parameter
#25 opened by mathieu-mp