
R package for Sublime Text 2/3

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

R package for Sublime Text


  • Send commands to various programs.
    • Mac: R gui, Terminal, iTerm 2;
    • Unix: screen, tmux;
    • Windows: R gui, Cygwin, Cmder (see below for configuring Cmder);
    • SublimeREPL
  • Function hints in status bar
  • Autocompletions for base R commands
  • Support Roxygen, Rcpp, R Sweave and R Markdown syntaxes.
  • knitr build command for R markdown and Rnw files.

If you are only interested in the syntax files, checkout R-Extended.

If you like it, you could send me some tips via .

Getting start


In the following, C is ctrl for Windows/Linux, cmd for Mac.

  • C + enter to send code to gui/terminal. R.app is the default for mac, R64.exe is default for windows and tmux is the default for linux. To change the application, do C + shift + p -> R-Box: Choose Program.
  • C + \ to change working dir
  • C + b to source the current R file, or to run knitr for Rnw or R markdown files.


See Preference -> Package Settings -> R-Box


SublimeLinter settings

To enable SublimeLinter via SublimeLinter-contrib-R and lintr, please add the following in the SublimeLinter user settings file:

    "syntax_map": {
        "r extended": "r"

Cmder settings

  1. Due to this bug!?, you have to change the paste shortcut of Cmder from shift+insert to ctrl+shift+v in Cmder settings.

  2. Go to Paste in the settings, uncheck, "Confirm keypress" and "Confirm pasting more than..."


R-Box is licensed under the MIT License. AutoHotkeyU32.exe under bin is included with its own license.