

For Week 9's homework assignment, I created a command-line application that generates a professional file from user inputs. I used the inquirer package and reviewed the class example of what a high-quality, professional README should contain.

Brief Preview of Final Homework Result

The following GIF presents the walk-through of the project:

final result gif


This assignment challenged me to re-watch all of Week 9's class videos to ensure I understood the concept of node.js enough to comfortably create the application with the starter file given without tutor or learning assistant help. After reviewing the videos, I believe my instructor and TA were very clear and helpful with their realistic examples of how to create applications using node.js. At this point in the program, I feel confident in my node.js skills. A good file is important for my future developing career and I look forward to learning more in this course on how I can create the best files for projects.