Register credential in the environmental variables.
export GOJIRA_BASEURL=http://yourjira.com/
export GOJIRA_USERNAME=xxx.yyyy
export GOJIRA_PASSWORD=qwertyasdfgh
That's it. gojira reads that information on the fly.
Search issues
gojira issues --jql "project=Awesome and status=Open"
gojira issues --issue AWESOME-123
Transition issues
List of transitions
gojira transition --jql "project=Awesome and status=Open" --list
gojira transition --jql "project=Awesome and status=Open" --list --comment text
Perform transition
gojira transition --jql "project=RAwesome and status=Open" --action 111 # 111 is ID of the next lane.
gojira transition --jql "project=RAwesome and status=Open" --action 111 --comment text # 111 is ID of the next lane.
Issue Assigning
gojira assignee --issue Awesome-1234 --user username
gojira assignee --jql "project=RAwesome and status=Open" --user username
Assign back to the reporter
gojira assignee --issue Awesome-1234 --reporter
gojira assignee --jql "project=RAwesome and status=Open" --reporter
Update issues
As of payload spec, please find your edition from this page.
This tool uses Edit issue
gojira update --issue AWESOME-123 --payload "<json string>"
gojira update --jql "project=RAwesome and status=Open" --payload "<json string>"