
Image Embedding on 2D space with Triplet Loss

Primary LanguagePython


Image Embedding on 2D space with Triplet Loss


  • TripletLoss
    • learns to place objects with the same class together and separate the ones with different classes
    • widely used in face recognition tasks
  • Transfer Learning + TripletLoss = learn image embedding with pre-trained weights and small dataset


  • Various types of Triplet Mining strategies… which one is gonna be the best?
  • Which image does the model find particularly hard to embed?
  • How do the embedding information change over training steps?


  • triplet_miner.py: various mining strategy
  • train.py: train network that embeds images to 2d space
  • Inference.py: generate scatter plots of embedded images & gifs


  • triplet.. stuff
  • github… online triplet miner code..