
Primary LanguageVim Script

My dotfiles


I use Dotbot for managing dotfiles, since Dotbot makes installing dotfiles easily. Dotbot is a tool that bootstraps your dotfiles (it's a [Dot]files [bo]o[t]strapper). It does less than you think, because version control systems do more than you think.

Dotbot is designed to be lightweight and self-contained, with no external dependencies and no installation required. Dotbot can also be a drop-in replacement for any other tool you were using to manage your dotfiles, and Dotbot is VCS-agnostic -- it doesn't make any attempt to manage your dotfiles.


If you're using Git, you can add Dotbot as a submodule details. Here I prefer install Dotbot from PyPI and call it as a command-line program.

pip3 install dotbot --user
touch install.conf.yaml

Note dotbot in this case will be installed in ~/.local/bin/, add it to $PATH by one-time solution:

export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"

or add it to .bashrc or .zshrc. Then you can invoke Dotbot with:

dotbot -c <path to configuration file>

Vim Plugins Installation

vim-plug, a vim plugin manager is used to manage plugins for vim. Plugins can be automatically installed by sourcing ~/.vimrc and :PlugInstall to install plugins, :PlugClean to uninstall plugins. Basics of vim-plug can be found here.

cheat sheet

  • :Gstatus or Git: check the git status.
    • s: stage changes.
    • u: unstage changes.
    • dd or D or dv: show diff between last commit.
    • :diffoff or dq: close diff pattern.
    • <c-w><c-o>: make this window the only window.
    • X: discard changes.
    • P: stage patch code.
  • :Git commit: commit changescommit changes.
  • :Git push: push commits.
  • :Git checkout branch or Git switch branch: switch branch.
  • :Git lg: show log graph.
  • :Gedit: go back the current version of code.
  • :Gedit branch:%: open the code in another branch
  • :Gclog: check the commit objects.
  • :0Gclog: check reversions of commits.
    • [q and ]q: navigation within quickfix.
  • :resize 20 or :vertical resize 50: to resize the split in vim.
  • <c-w>=: split window equally.
  • ma: add local mark a.
  • 'a: go to the mark a.
  • :marks: list all marks.
  • :delm: delete all local marks.
  • :pc: close preview window.
  • :wa: save all open buffers.
  • :Git branch -d branch_name: delete a local branch.
  • :Git branch -d -r origin/branch_name: delete a local remote branch.
  • :Git branch -d -r origin/branch_name: delete a local remote branch.
  • q and :: search the command history in vim.

Git merge workflow in vim ref:

  • :Git switch target_branch: switch to the targe branch
  • :Git merge merge_branch: merge the merge branch to targe branch
  • :Gvdiffsplit! or :G and dv: open the three-way diff [target, copy, merge]
    • :diffget //2 or <leader> gh: keep the block of code on the left (target).
    • :diffget //3 or <leader> gl: keep the block of code on the right (merge).
    • :Gwrite!: keep the wholesale code.

Compare diff workflow:

  • :0Gclog: show history
  • :[q and ]q: move between versions
  • :Gdiff: open diff comparing the version with current one. [c and ]c to navigate between changes.
  • :Gedit: return to current copy

Search and replace workflow:

  • <c-p>: seach files.
  • /cat: search cat in the current file.
  • :%s/cat/dog/gc: search cat and replace with dog in the whole file.
  • :Ag: show grepping results of Ag across files in a floating window.
  • <leader>ag: show grepping results of Ag in quickfix, which is useful when seaching and replacing. Navigation by [q or ]q

Rebase feature branch onto main:

  • :Git switch feature_branch
  • :Git rebase main
  • use the merge workflow in vim to solve conflicts.

Squash commits:

  • :Git rebase -i HEAD~3 or 1):Git lg 2) move cursor on the commit that you would like to rebase 3) type ri to enter rebase interactive mode.
  • Squash the commits by highlighting with s.

Compare diff on two files:

  • Compare two files: open one of files; Gdiff other_files
  • Compare files with another branch: Gdiff branch_name
  • Compare with files in another branch: Gdiff branch_name:path/dir/filename. Gdiff branch_name:% if the same file.
  • Compare with files that are not tracked by git: vimdiff file1 file2

Discard changes for unstage files:

  • Discard all changes: Git restore filename or Git checkout -- ., -- removes argument ambiguation
  • Discard changes in a certain file: Git checkout -- filename

Revert files to previous vision:

  • Revert all tracked files: Git checkout commit_name
  • Revert certain files: Git checkout master~2 filename

Remove files from repository history:

  • Reference 1
  • Reference 2
  • Reference 3
git filter-branch --force --index-filter \
    "git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch PATH-TO-YOUR-FILE-WITH-SENSITIVE-DATA" \
    --prune-empty --tag-name-filter cat -- --all

git push origin --force --all
git push origin --force --tags


Details for creating configuration files can be found here