
Use Kong with the plugin

$ make install-dev

This command installs plugin locally to a ./lua_modules directory. The PATH to moudles installed in this folder will be something like:



Configuring the plugin is straightforward, you can add it on top of an API by executing the following request on your Kong server:

$ curl -X POST http://kong:8001/apis/{api}/plugins
--data "name=kong-plugin-jsonrpc-method-restriction" --data "config.allowed_method=eth_sendTransaction"

api: The id or name of the API that this plugin configuration will target

You can also apply it for every API using the http://kong:8001/plugins/ endpoint.

Parameter Default Description
config.allowed_methods Comma-delimited list of the allowed JSONRPC method.

List of jsonrpc methods that uses by jWallet:

eth_protocolVersion, eth_getBalance, eth_sendRawTransaction, eth_estimateGas, eth_gasPrice, eth_getTransactionCount, eth_blockNumber, eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash, eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber, eth_getBlockByHash, eth_getBlockByNumber, eth_getTransactionByHash, eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex, eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex, eth_call, eth_getTransactionReceipt, eth_newFilter, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_getFilterLogs