
Code and data used in our NAACL-HLT'2021 paper: Self Promotion in US Congressional Tweets.

Primary LanguagePython

Self Promotion in US Congressional Tweets

Jun Wang, Kelly Cui, and Bei Yu (2021). Self Promotion in US Congressional Tweets. NAACL-HLT'2021. Pages 4893-4899. June 6-11, 2021, online.


Prior studies have found that women self-promote less than men due to gender stereotypes. In this study we built a BERT-based NLP model to predict whether a Congressional tweet shows self-promotion or not and then used this model to examine whether a gender gap in self-promotion exists among Congressional tweets. After analyzing 2 million Congressional tweets from July 2017 to March 2021, controlling for a number of factors that include political party, chamber, age, number of terms in Congress, number of daily tweets, and number of followers, we found that women in Congress actually perform more self-promotion on Twitter, indicating a reversal of traditional gender norms where women self-promote less than men.


Paper | Presentation slides.PDF | Poster.PDF | Video talk.mp4

  title = {{Self Promotion in US Congressional Tweets}},
  author = {Wang, Jun and Cui, Kelly and Yu, Bei},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of NAACL-HLT'2021},
  pages = {4893-4899},
  url = {https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/2021.naacl-main.388},
  month = {June},
  year = {2021}

Get started

NOTE: My running environment is Linux box (Ubuntu 16.04) with a 1080Ti GPU.

STEP 1. Prerequisite

Install bert-sklearn -- a scikit-learn wrapper to finetune BERT model based on the Huggingface's pytorch transformer.

git clone -b master https://github.com/charles9n/bert-sklearn
cd bert-sklearn
pip install .

Install other packages

pip install fire

STEP 2. Get the repo, including code and data

git clone https://github.com/junwang4/self-promotion-in-congress-tweets
cd self-promotion-in-congress-tweets


3.1 To evaluate the performance of the model, say, 5-fold cross-validation

First, generate a prediction file as the result of training and testing each of the 5 folds

python run.py tweet_classifier --task=train_KFold_model

This will take as input the annotated dataset data/annotations.csv, and assemble the prediction results from each fold into code/working/pred/[20210331]_train_K5_epochs3.csv

Second, display the evaluation results

python run.py tweet_classifier --task=evaluate_and_error_analysis

In the case of using the default setting given in file code/settings.ini, we have the following result:

              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0      0.951     0.949     0.950      3089
           1      0.828     0.835     0.831       914

    accuracy                          0.923      4003
   macro avg      0.889     0.892     0.890      4003
weighted avg      0.923     0.923     0.923      4003

3.2 Create a fully-trained BERT model to classify a tweet as self-promoting or not

cd code
python run.py tweet_classifier --task=train_one_full_model

This will take as input the annotated dataset data/annotations.csv, and output a BERT model at code/working/model/[20210331]_full_epochs3.bin

3.3 Apply the above trained model to the 2 million tweets

python run.py tweet_classifier --task=apply_one_full_model_to_new_sentences

This will take as input the file data/sample_tweetid_bioid_text.csv, and output a prediction csv file in folder code/working/pred/[20210331]_apply_epochs3.csv

The file data/sample_tweetid_bioid_text.csv is only a random sample of 1000 tweets.

If you are interested in diving into the tweet content and other information of the 2 million tweets used in our paper, use the tweet IDs in file data/tweet_ids_all.dat to hydrate the tweets.

To do that, first install twarc, a command line tool and Python library for archiving Twitter JSON data; second, setup a Twitter developer account (consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, access_token_secret) for running twarc.

Then, run the following command by replacing {tweet_ids_file} with data/tweet_ids_all.dat, and replacing {fpath_out} with the filename you plan to save the data

twarc hydrate {tweet_ids_file} > {fpath_out}

Note that it may take half a day and 10GB storage space to hydrate the 2 millions tweets.

STEP 4. Logistic Linear Mixed-effects Regression Analysis in R

(I wish there was such a package of generalized linear mixed-effects regression in Python)

Open your Rstudio, and load the R markdown file code/regression_analysis.Rmd, which contains the instructions of how to run the regression analysis as well as the diagnosis of the key assumptions of linear regression.

The above analysis needs to read data/final_data_for_regression_analysis.csv.adjust. This data was generated by combining 2 million tweet predictions with their authors' various attributes



Results of linear mixed-effects regression Odds ratios Gender difference over time