
Primary LanguageDockerfile

Infra and app

For demonstrating basics of Flux with OCI and Cosign.


0. Install Flux (without bootstrap)

Using VSCode

1. Deploy podinfo with GitRepository and Kustomization

flux create source git podinfo --url=https://github.com/stefanprodan/podinfo --branch=master --interval=30s
flux create kustomization podinfo --target-namespace=default --source=podinfo --path="./kustomize" --prune=true --interval=30s --timeout=10s
kubectl port-forward service/podinfo 9898:9898

2. GitOps for podinfo

Export YAML

flux create source git podinfo --url=https://github.com/stefanprodan/podinfo --branch=master --interval=30s --export 
flux create kustomization podinfo --target-namespace=default --source=podinfo --path="./kustomize" --prune=true --interval=30s --timeout=10s --export

Add YAML to git app.yaml

3. OCIRepository for bootstrap

Export YAMLs

flux create source oci flux-oci-demo --url=oci://ghcr.io/juozasg/flux-oci-demo --tag=latest --interval=30s --secret-ref ghcr-auth --namespace=flux-system --export
flux create kustomization flux-oci-demo --target-namespace=default --source=OCIRepository/flux-oci-demo --path="./clusters/demo" --prune=true --interval=30s --timeout=10s --namespace=flux-system --target-namespace=flux-system --export

Add YAML to git sync.yaml

Push everything

git add .
git commit -m "GitOps bootstrap example"
git push

Everything is in Git, but not reconciling. Create OCIRepository and Kustomization manually

kubectl apply -f sync.yml

Create auth secret for GitHub Container Registry

flux create secret oci ghcr-auth --url=ghcr.io  --username=$env:GITHUB_USER --password=$env:GITHUB_TOKEN

4. Setup cosign

Generate keys and upload to GitHub

cd ..
echo S3cretPassw0rd | ./cosign.exe generate-key-pair github://juozasg/flux-oci-demo

Tell Flux about cosign public key

kubectl -n flux-system create secret generic cosign-pub --from-file=cosign.pub=cosign.pub

Tell Flux to verify OCIRepository using public key

update OCIRepository/flux-oci-demo:

    provider: cosign
      name: cosign-pub