
A Heroku Buildpack for Ember CLI Applications

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Heroku Buildpack for Ember CLI Applications

This buildpack will work out-of-the-box with Ember CLI generated applications. It installs node, nginx and generates a production build with the Ember CLI.


Creating a new Heroku instance from an Ember CLI application's parent directory:

$ heroku create --buildpack https://github.com/tonycoco/heroku-buildpack-ember-cli.git

$ git push heroku master
-----> Heroku receiving push
-----> Fetching custom buildpack



You can set a few different environment variables to turn on features in this buildpack.

Nginx Workers

Set the number of workers for Nginx (Default: 4):

heroku config:set NGINX_WORKERS=4

API Proxy

Set an API proxy URL:

heroku config:set API_URL=http://api.example.com/

Set your API's prefix path (Default: /api/):

heroku config:set API_PREFIX_PATH=/api/

Note that the trailing slashes are important. For more information about API proxies and avoiding CORS, read this.


Have a staging server? Want to protect it with authentication? When BASIC_AUTH_USER and BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD are set basic authentication will be activated:


Be sure to use https when you set this up for added security.


For most Ember applications that make any kind of authenticated requests (sending an auth token with a request for example), HTTPS should be used. Enable this feature in nginx by setting FORCE_HTTPS.

heroku config:set FORCE_HTTPS=true

Before and After Hooks

You can run your own scripts by creating after_hook.sh or before_hook.sh files (or both) in your app's hooks directory:

mkdir hooks
cd hooks
touch after_hook.sh
touch before_hook.sh

See the section on Compass for an example.


If you want to compile your compass assets as part of the build process, first create after_hook.sh in the hooks directory (see Before and After Hooks section), then add this code to it:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

export GEM_HOME=$build_dir/.gem/ruby/1.9.1
if test -d $cache_dir/ruby/.gem; then
  status "Restoring ruby gems directory from cache"
  cp -r $cache_dir/ruby/.gem $build_dir
  HOME=$build_dir gem update compass --user-install --no-rdoc --no-ri
  HOME=$build_dir gem install compass --user-install --no-rdoc --no-ri

# Cache for Ruby
rm -rf $cache_dir/ruby
mkdir -p $cache_dir/ruby

# If app has a gems directory, cache it.
if test -d $build_dir/.gem; then
  status "Caching ruby gems directory for future builds"
  cp -r $build_dir/.gem $cache_dir/ruby


Prerender.io allows your application to be crawled by search engines.

Set the service's host and token:

heroku config:set PRERENDER_HOST=service.prerender.io
heroku config:set PRERENDER_TOKEN=<your-prerender-token>

Sign up for the hosted Prerender.io service or host it yourself. See the project's repo for more information.

Private Repos

Got private NPM or Bower GitHub repos? Configure a GIT_SSH_KEY so that Heroku can access these packages:

heroku config:set GIT_SSH_KEY=<base64-encoded-private-key>

If present, the buildpack expects the base64 encoded contents of a private key whose public key counterpart has been registered with GitHub on an account with access to any private repositories needed by the application. Prior to executing npm install and bower install it decodes the contents into a file, launches ssh-agent and registers that keyfile. Once NPM install is finished, it cleans up the environment and file system of the key contents.

Private NPM dependency URLs must be in the form of git+ssh://git@github.com:[user]/[repo].git. Private Bower dependency URLs must be in the form of git@github.com:[user]/[repo].git. Either NPM or Bower URLs may have a trailing #semver.

Custom Nginx

Need to make a custom nginx configuration change? No problem. In your Ember CLI application, add a config/nginx.conf.erb file. You can copy the existing configuration file in this repo and make your changes to it.


The Ember CLI buildpack caches your npm and bower dependencies by default. This is similar to the Heroku Buildpack for Node.js. This makes typical deployments much faster. Note that dependencies like components/ember#canary will not be updated on each deploy.

To purge the cache and reinstall all dependencies, run:

heroku plugins:install https://github.com/heroku/heroku-repo.git
heroku repo:purge_cache -a APPNAME