
Use the fetch web API from CLI

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Fetch cli

Use fetch web API from the command line.


deno install --allow-net  -fn fetch https://deno.land/x/fetch_cli/fetch.ts


fetch https://faker.deno.dev?status=201&body=hello

Will print http request and response to stdout.

GET https://faker.deno.dev/?status=201&body=hello
accept:          */*
accept-language: *

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
access-control-allow-origin: *
content-length:              5
content-type:                text/plain;charset=UTF-8
date:                        Wed, 12 Oct 2022 16:30:20 GMT
server:                      deno/europe-southwest1-a
vary:                        Accept-Encoding



Auto detect content type for JSON body

fetch --method POST --body '{"hello":"world"}'  https://faker.deno.dev/pong

Read body from file

fetch --method POST   https://faker.deno.dev/pong < body.json
# or
cat body.json | fetch --method POST   https://faker.deno.dev/pong

Display options

Use --hide-request and --hide-response to hide request or response headers.

Use --hide-body to hide response and request bodies.

Use any Fetch init options

fetch --method POST --body '{"hello":"world"}' --headers 'content-type:application/json'  https://faker.deno.dev/pong
fetch --redirect=manual  https://faker.deno.dev?status=307


fetch --help