A CloudFormation custom resource for setting an SNS filter policy
AWS SNS allows for pub/sub message distribution to AWS Lambda, SQS, HTTP webhooks and more. SNS delivers published messages at least once (with retry on failure) to each subscriber.
Particularly useful features are:
- Fan Out - multiple subscribers to one topic; and
- Message filtering - selective delivery based on matching rules.
Although CloudFormation can be used to create subscriptions, for delivery to Lambda and SQS for example, there is no resource type for setting a filter policy on the subscription. Luckily there's something like Custom Resources, which lets us use a Lambda function to set/update/delete a policy on a subscription.
Note: The account deploying stacks including these custom resources will need to have invoke permission for the function. The account deploying the stack therefore effectively has permission to set a filter policy on any SNS subscription. As deployment account is unlikely to ever have more granular permissions, this should not be a problem.
Using the AWS CLI, deploy the custom resource handler:
$ aws cloudformation deploy \
--template-file ./custom_resource.yml \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
--stack-name sns-filter-policy-custom-resource
We can use the custom resource in our template, see example.yml:
Type: Custom::SNSSetFilterPolicy
ServiceToken: !ImportValue SNSSetFilterPolicyServiceToken
Endpoint: !GetAtt MyExampleOutputQueue.Arn
TopicArn: !Ref MyExampleTopic
PolicyString: |-
"tag": ["rugby", "netball"]
And deploy the example:
$ aws cloudformation deploy \
--template-file ./example.yml \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
--stack-name sns-filter-policy-example
To verify, get the TopicArn
and QueueUrl
$ aws cloudformation describe-stacks \
--stack-name sns-filter-policy-example
And publish some messages:
$ aws sns publish \
--message Netball! \
--topic-arn arn:aws:sns:...
--message-attributes '{"tag":{"DataType": "String","StringValue": "netball"}}' \
aws sns publish \
--message Dodgeball! \
--message-attributes '{"tag":{"DataType": "String","StringValue": "dodgeball"}}' \
--topic-arn arn:aws:sns:...
aws sns publish \
--message Rugby! \
--topic-arn arn:aws:sns:...
--message-attributes '{"tag":{"DataType": "String","StringValue": "rugby"}}' \
You'll see how only messages matching our filter policy lands in the queue:
$ aws sqs receive-message \
--visibility-timeout 60 \
--wait-time-seconds 10 \
--max-number-of-messages 10 \
--queue-url https://sqs....
(You may need to repeat this a few times.)