JupyterLab Services
Javascript client for the Jupyter services REST APIs
Note: All functions and classes using the REST API allow an ajaxOptions
parameter to configure requests.
Package Install
npm install --save @jupyterlab/services
conda install notebook # notebook 4.2+ required
Source Build
git clone https://github.com/jupyterlab/services.git
cd services
npm install
npm run build
conda install notebook # notebook 4.2+ required
npm run clean
npm run build
Run Tests
Follow the source build instructions first.
npm test
Build Docs
Follow the source build instructions first.
npm run docs
Navigate to docs/index.html
Supported Runtimes
The runtime versions which are currently known to work are listed below. Earlier versions may also work, but come with no guarantees.
- Node 0.12.7+
- IE 11+
- Firefox 32+
- Chrome 38+
Note: "requirejs" must be included in a global context for Comm targets.
This can be as a <script>
tag in the browser or by using the requirejs
package in node (npm install requirejs
and setting
global.requirejs = require('requirejs');
). See the examples
for usage.
Starting the Notebook Server
Follow the package install instructions first.
The library requires a running Jupyter Notebook server, launched as:
python -m notebook --NotebookApp.allow_origin="*"
The origin can be specified directly instead of using *
if desired.
Bundling for the Browser
Follow the package install instructions first.
See examples/browser
for an example of using Webpack to bundle the library.
Note: Some browsers (such as IE11), require a polyfill for Promises. The example demonstrates the use of the polyfill.
Usage from Node.js
Follow the package install instructions first.
npm install --save xmlhttprequest ws
Override the global XMLHttpRequest
and WebSocket
(in ES6 syntax):
import { XMLHttpRequest } from "xmlhttprequest";
import { default as WebSocket } from 'ws';
global.XMLHttpRequest = XMLHttpRequest;
global.WebSocket = WebSocket;
See examples/node
for an example of using an ES5 node script.
Usage Examples
Note: This module is fully compatible with Node/Babel/ES6/ES5. The examples below are written in TypeScript using ES6 syntax. Simply omit the type declarations when using a language other than TypeScript. A translator such as Babel can be used to convert from ES6 -> ES5.
import {
KernelMessage, Kernel
} from '@jupyterlab/services';
// The base url of the notebook server.
const BASE_URL = 'http://localhost:8000';
// Get a list of available kernels and connect to one.
Kernel.listRunning({ baseUrl: BASE_URL }).then(kernelModels => {
let options: Kernel.IOptions = {
baseUrl: BASE_URL,
name: kernelModels[0].name
Kernel.connectTo(kernelModels[0].id, options).then((kernel) => {
// Get info about the available kernels and start a new one.
Kernel.getSpecs({ baseUrl: BASE_URL }).then(kernelSpecs => {
console.log('Default spec:', kernelSpecs.default);
console.log('Available specs', Object.keys(kernelSpecs.kernelspecs));
// use the default name
let options: Kernel.IOptions = {
baseUrl: BASE_URL,
name: kernelSpecs.default
Kernel.startNew(options).then(kernel => {
// Execute and handle replies.
let future = kernel.requestExecute({ code: 'a = 1' } );
future.onDone = () => {
console.log('Future is fulfilled');
future.onIOPub = (msg) => {
console.log(msg.content); // Print rich output data.
// Restart the kernel and then send an inspect message.
kernel.restart().then(() => {
let request: KernelMessage.IInspectRequest = {
code: 'hello', cursor_pos: 4, detail_level: 0
kernel.requestInspect(request).then(reply => {
// Interrupt the kernel and then send a complete message.
kernel.interrupt().then(() => {
kernel.requestComplete({ code: 'impor', cursor_pos: 4 } ).then((reply) => {
// Register a callback for when the kernel changes state.
kernel.statusChanged.connect((status) => {
console.log('status', status);
// Kill the kernel.
kernel.shutdown().then(() => {
console.log('Kernel shut down');
import {
} from '@jupyterlab/services';
// The base url of the Jupyter server.
const BASE_URL = 'http://localhost:8000';
// Get a list of available sessions and connect to one.
Session.listRunning({ baseUrl: BASE_URL }).then(sessionModels => {
let options = {
baseUrl: BASE_URL,
kernelName: sessionModels[0].kernel.name,
path: sessionModels[0].notebook.path
Session.connectTo(sessionModels[0].id, options).then((session) => {
// Start a new session.
let options = {
baseUrl: BASE_URL,
kernelName: 'python',
path: '/tmp/foo.ipynb'
Session.startNew(options).then(session => {
// Execute and handle replies on the kernel.
let future = session.kernel.requestExecute({ code: 'a = 1' });
future.onDone = () => {
console.log('Future is fulfilled');
// Rename the session.
session.rename('/local/bar.ipynb').then(() => {
console.log('Session renamed to', session.path);
// Register a callback for when the session dies.
session.terminated.connect(() => {
console.log('session died');
// Kill the session.
session.shutdown().then(() => {
console.log('session closed');
// The base url of the Jupyter server.
const BASE_URL = 'http://localhost:8000';
// Create a comm from the server side.
// Get info about the available kernels and connect to one.
Kernel.getSpecs({ baseUrl: BASE_URL }).then(kernelSpecs => {
return Kernel.startNew({
baseUrl: BASE_URL,
name: kernelSpecs.default,
}).then(kernel => {
let comm = kernel.connectToComm('test');
comm.open('initial state');
// Create a comm from the client side.
Kernel.getSpecs({ baseUrl: BASE_URL }).then(kernelSpecs => {
return Kernel.startNew({
baseUrl: BASE_URL,
name: kernelSpecs.default,
}).then(kernel => {
kernel.registerCommTarget('test2', (comm, commMsg) => {
if (commMsg.content.target_name !== 'test2') {
comm.onMsg = (msg) => {
console.log(msg); // 'hello'
comm.onClose = (msg) => {
console.log(msg); // 'bye'
let code = [
'from ipykernel.comm import Comm',
'comm = Comm(target_name="test2")',
kernel.requestExecute({ code: code });
import {
} from '@jupyterlab/services';
// The base url of the Jupyter server.
let baseUrl = 'http://localhost:8000';
let contents = new ContentsManager({ baseUrl });
// Create a new python file.
contents.newUntitled({ path: '/foo', type: 'file', ext: 'py' }).then(
(model) => {
console.log('new file:', model.path);
// Get the contents of a directory.
(model) => {
console.log('files:', model.content);
// Rename a file.
contents.rename('/foo/bar.txt', '/foo/baz.txt');
// Save a file.
// Delete a file.
// Copy a file.
contents.copy('/foo/bar.txt', '/baz').then((model) => {
console.log('new path', model.path);
// Create a checkpoint.
contents.createCheckpoint('/foo/bar.ipynb').then((model) => {
let checkpoint = model;
// Restore a checkpoint.
contents.restoreCheckpoint('/foo/bar.ipynb', checkpoint.id);
// Delete a checkpoint.
contents.deleteCheckpoint('/foo/bar.ipynb', checkpoint.id);
// List checkpoints for a file.
contents.listCheckpoints('/foo/bar.txt').then((models) => {
import {
ConfigWithDefaults, ConfigSection
} from '@jupyterlab/services';
// The base url of the Jupyter server.
let baseUrl = 'http://localhost:8000';
ConfigSection.create({ name: 'notebook', baseUrl }).then(section => {
let config = new ConfigWithDefaults({
defaults: { default_cell_type: 'code' },
className: 'Notebook'
console.log(config.get('default_cell_type')); // 'code'
config.set('foo', 'bar').then(data => {
console.log(data); // "{ 'foo': 'bar' }"
import {
} from '@jupyterlab/services';
// Create a named terminal session and send some data.
TerminalSession.startNew().then(session => {
session.send({ type: 'stdin', content: ['foo'] });