Jupyter magics and kernels for working with remote Spark clusters
- 2
Support notebook >= 7
#885 opened by sergiimk - 1
- 6
New Release
#934 opened by tleonhardt - 8
Support >= Pandas 2.0.0
#811 opened by devstein - 18
[BUG] SparkMagic pyspark kernel magic(%%sql) hangs when running with Papermill.
#833 opened by edwardps - 5
- 2
- 6
Plotly scala
#787 opened by Armadik - 11
[BUG]%%pretty with chinese character error
#767 opened by kongLingming06 - 3
- 2
- 1
Jupyterlab 4.0.2 python 3.10
#818 opened by Armadik - 1
[BUG] Sparkmagic errors out using iPython 7.33.0
#802 opened by ryerobinson - 1
[QST] How to automatically load sparkmagic.magics when open a new ipython kernel tab
#804 opened by wjxiz1992 - 3
[BUG] Cannot build Dockerfile.jupyter
#825 opened by agrounds - 4
Use variables in %%configure
#834 opened by sunayansaikia - 1
[BUG] error when first client connects
#814 opened by jarlva - 4
[BUG] Default Docker container got broken
#809 opened by ltregan - 2
Document extending SparkMagic
#806 opened by bradleyhurley - 1
Publish sparkmagic Docker images regularly
#789 opened by iirekm - 0
how to pass python variable to %%sql cell ?
#808 opened by cometta - 4
Can't install sparkmagic from pypi
#762 opened by GiorgiKandelaki-de - 1
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- 4
[BUG] Ipython API change
#749 opened by spencer-bullent-work - 0
- 4
[BUG] Pandas 1.5.0 has breaking changes.
#776 opened by GaspardBT - 1
Sparkmagic Kerberos authentication issue
#786 opened by greg-kan - 2
Sparkmagic kernels - Doesn't show widgets
#779 opened by Armadik - 1
How to get ipympl plots working?
#785 opened by rabejens - 1
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التحقق من إصدارات Apache Software Foundation
#783 opened by gido3823 - 0
- 0
- 0
#778 opened by gido3823 - 3
configure kernel_python_credentials
#777 opened by cometta - 4
Way to export modules to spark cluster
#770 opened by joaolaitano - 0
- 0
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To Do - رسالة بريد إلكتروني مُعلَّمة
#774 opened by gido3823 - 0
- 0
أنا أتشارك 'Screenshot_٢٠٢٢٠٩٠٤-٠٣١١٥٠_SHAREit' معك
#772 opened by gido3823 - 14
[BUG] Sparkmagic errors out with ipython 8.x
#747 opened by hobackskiier - 0
- 1
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[BUG] EMR Studio Jupyter Notebook using PySpark kernel references an old version of pip
#761 opened by rankol - 4
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- 0
pass string variable into sparkmagic
#750 opened by vadensam