A lightweight, multi-tenant, scalable and secure gateway that enables Jupyter Notebooks to share resources across distributed clusters such as Apache Spark, Kubernetes and others.
- ajbozarthIBM Quantum
- akchinSTCIBM
- anskarl@pollfish
- asurveIBM Spark Technology Center
- bdwyer2VivSoft / NORAD
- charlieeeeeee
- ckadner@IBM
- ecurtinMailchimp
- feihugis@Microsoft
- gweidnerSan Francisco, CA
- Hanuman26
- j143-zz
- jenkstomBixby, OK
- LaurenSpiegel
- lina-kimETH Zürich
- martywiseMartyWise.com
- mcolebrookUniversidad de La Laguna
- mkuthan@allegro
- nakul02San Francisco, CA
- neiblaAuckland, New Zealand
- ObarrosLondon
- pvergainTerre
- rgbkrkAnaconda
- Salahadin1144
- shanbadyMIT Open Learning
- sherryxgIBM Spark Technology Center
- SwathiMystery
- timtylinSkyscanner
- velppa@FindHotel
- vijayrbIBM Center for Open-Source Data & AI Technologies @CODAIT
- vishwasraoBoston
- wendigo@trinodb @starburstdata
- willingcWilling Consulting
- xhmcom
- yacchin1205Voice Research Inc.
- zeyaddeebNew York, NY