Fix position of nbresuse toolbar right below kernel status
Betristor opened this issue · 1 comments
I would like it if the position of nbresuse toolbar could be fixed right below the kernel status.
Proposed Solution
There is still plenty of space for the nbresuse to show the status. I wish this status could be shown right below the kernel indicator. After diagnosing the website display layout, I found that third party extensions will add the div element just after the nbresuse toolbar. If the logic behind the initial design of nbresuse is to place it when other toolbars are set down, could we adjust the loading sequence of extension toolbars to fix this and make nbresuse works just like there is no other third party extensions?
Additional context
Current statuses for nbresuse and other extensions.
Elements layout from html file. Elements with id jupyter-resource-usage-display and jupyter-resource-usage-display-cpu are from nbresuse and elements below with no specific id are from third party extensions.
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