
Use the official font from Jupyter's brand guide

palewire opened this issue · 4 comments

Here are the fonts called for by the brand guide:
Screenshot from 2021-12-26 07-40-22

Here's what we currently use as our default font-family, which is the Bootstrap default:

"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif

Why not find a way to use Myriad Pro on the site?

From browsing the Adobe documentation for the font, it appears that we might be required to pay for self-hosting. Is that correct? If so, has that been done?

If not, it appears that Adobe may allow for free use if the files are linked from their CDN, but it is perhaps limited to only two bold fonts. Is that right?

My personal preference would be to find an open source font that is as close as possible to Myriad Pro (e.g., here are some ideas), use that, and document the decision so others know what's going on.

Vegur is (I think, but worth checking) CC0 and closest to the logo brand font: https://fontlibrary.org/en/font/vegur

If the official font isn't an option, I say we stick with the default defined by the design guide. If others want to dig into this they are welcome but I'm going to withdraw the suggestion based on what I've learned.