Jupyter server extension to sync a git repository one-way to a local path
- 0
API request causes oauth redirect loop
#365 opened by yuvipanda - 1
- 2
Status page broken
#358 opened by CGuichard - 1
Installation documentation improvement about installing in jupyterhub and/or jupyter server environment
#357 opened by dirkdaems - 0
nbgitpuller fails if .git/ directory deleted
#354 opened by alexandermichels - 1
- 5
- 7
- 3
nbgitpuller not showing as an extension
#340 opened by banson-aiq - 6
nbgitpuller generated url failed to open
#338 opened by amirayuyue - 1
Change default Branch to Main
#311 opened by ericvd-ucb - 4
- 12
404 error
#329 opened by alperyilmaz - 5
- 1
- 1
- 2
Possibility to pull a single folder
#323 opened by joelostblom - 1
- 4
Support for named server instances
#307 opened by soulemike - 0
Catch up reviewing open PRs
#316 opened by consideRatio - 0
Document that users shouldn't actively be running git commands along with nbgitpuller
#314 opened by yuvipanda - 9
Launch Notebook7 using nbgitpuller link generator
#308 opened by balajialg - 6
nbgitpuller chrome extension not working when pulling branches other than main
#289 opened by rohanjha123 - 6
add command line debug option
#304 opened by WolfgangFahl - 4
Parts of Repo are forbidden
#290 opened by sam1mitchell1-hub - 2
- 2
- 2
Support for launching JupyterLite
#285 opened by balajialg - 9
Provide better error messages in the terminal
#267 opened by yuvipanda - 1
Changing default branch makes all tests fail
#283 opened by jdmansour - 9
Release to fix regression introduced by #257
#281 opened by albertmichaelj - 5
- 0
Add a reset function
#280 opened by ryanlovett - 1
- 0
- 1
Detect repo url from file / directory. Or allow to pull only part of a repo.
#270 opened by markperri - 2
Permission Denied: `--NotebookApp.notebook_dir` vs `--FileContentsManager.root_dir`
#268 opened by jbaksta - 2
- 4
Wait for Drive to be mounted in Lab
#266 opened by stefanoantonel - 0
- 1
Sync fails after deleting previously changed file
#254 opened by jdmansour - 1
Run custom code on launch
#253 opened by jdmansour - 2
nbgitpuller links create a 500: Internal Error
#252 opened by nkratzke - 0
A refresher of the documentation system
#251 opened by consideRatio - 4
Deprecate/Remove `app` query parameter and the NBGITPULLER_APP default value
#247 opened by consideRatio - 0
Avoid using global settings to pass information
#248 opened by consideRatio - 0
Update to use async/await instead of gen.couroutine/yield (Py 35 required)
#243 opened by consideRatio - 0
Test against supported python versions
#244 opened by consideRatio - 2
Remove legacy endpoints /git-sync and /interact and associated redirect handlers
#241 opened by consideRatio - 2
Support commit SHA for nbgitpuller url
#239 opened by skirpichev