
Transfer TOC with code cells working on JupyterLab 4.x

Closed this issue · 7 comments



As mentioned in the issue #14975 that I opened a few weeks back, I eventually implemented the Table of Contents with the code cell content as a new independent extension and thought it could be helpful to other people to host the extension on here. I also moved to using a code editor with CodeMirror6 so maybe it will be better performance-wise on large notebooks. I was thinking we could also close the issue mentioned above and provide a link to this issue or the extension once it is hosted in this organization. Let me know if anything is not okay with the current extension.


  • You are owner of the repository you want to transfer
  • Which role do you want to have in the jupyterlab-contrib organization (check one of):
    • Help with all jupyterlab-contrib repositories
    • Help with the transferred repository only
    • I don't have time anymore to keep helping the project
  • The transferred repository (check one of):
    • Must keep the extension name
    • Cannot use the original name
    • I don't care
  • The code is available under a Open Source license
  • A license file is present in the code repository
  • The extension is working on at least JupyterLab 2.x
  • The repository contains a README file describing:
    • The provided feature(s)
    • A picture illustrating the feature(s)
    • The available options/settings (if applicable)
    • How to install the extension
    • optional a Binder link to test the feature online
  • optional The frontend code (Typescript/Javascript) is tested
  • optional The backend code (Python) is tested
  • I certify the extension is not using exclusively paid-plan of any commercial service
  • I will help the transfer process on the code repository AND the built packages

You must enable two-factor authentication on GitHub

Thanks @Rmarieta

in order to transfer the extension to this organization, you will need to carry out action on three web services:

Note: for transferring the package, you may be granted extensive rights that will be reduced later one to hacker attack surface.

Don't hesitate to ping me here if you have questions or troubles with the above steps.

@fcollonval I managed to do all of the above steps except for the last one of the NPM section. I have joined the organization, enabled 2FA, but I can't find a way to add the package to the dev team. If I get to here : https://www.npmjs.com/settings/jlab-contrib/teams/team/developers/access, I don't see any "Add Packages" page as suggested in https://docs.npmjs.com/managing-team-access-to-organization-packages.

I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if I'm not granted the access to add the package. Here is a screenshot :


And for the issue #14975, should I add a comment with a link to this extension and close the issue ?

@Rmarieta thanks a lot for the quick actions. For NPM, you should now be able to see the add package input box and button. I can unfortunately not grant directly advanced rights when inviting somebody to NPM org.

Let me know if it works.

Regarding the issue, you could leave a comment mentioning your extension. But as an alternative approach will likely land at some points based on the issue discussion, I would left it opened.

Okay perfect the NPM package addition worked, thanks !

@fcollonval is the list of extensions on https://jupyterlab-contrib.github.io/extensions.html updating automatically ?

Yes the list is updated through the GitHub API - we missed the scheduled one for today. But it should be part of tomorrow update: https://github.com/jupyterlab-contrib/jupyterlab-contrib.github.io/actions/workflows/pages.yml