Management and website of JupyterLab Unofficial Extensions and Tools
- 93degreeKU Leuven
- akastrinUniversity of Ljubljana
- astrojuanlu@kedro-org
- drewwilimitisVanderbilt University
- evanlesmezCompashen
- fly51flyPRIS
- gokulycHyderabad
- hamiltonrsgo
- j-hernandezAtlanta, GA
- jangenoeKULeuven and imec
- jenalvz
- jgunstone@maxfordham
- joaopalmeiroFeedzai
- jun1641
- krassowski@Quansight
- lydian@Affirm
- martinRenou@QuantStack
- mgremingerUniversity of Minnesota, Duluth
- mjschurig
- MRYingLEEHong Kong
- pablosjv@clarityai-eng
- pareal
- scmanjarrezSpanish National Research Council (CSIC)
- sg-s@deeporiginbio
- Shafy95
- shkeynaïve
- SieboldianusLeibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER)
- smjure
- stjordanisGreece
- stromalUK
- TenviLi@bilibili
- tildebyteNorth America
- venk12
- vishalbelsare
- visheshpanchalDolcera Pvt Ltd
- zmughalWashington, D.C. - Baltimore, Maryland area, United States of America, Earth, Galactic Sector ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha